Now is when you kiss me (Renhyuck)

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"Renjunie, you are so cute." Haechan says as he cuddled up next to the smaller but feistier boy. He growls and stands going to the other side of the room.
"Stop it Haechan, we have to go on soon and you are going to wreck my makeup." Haechan pouts but leaves him alone. This has been going on since the formation of Dream but lately the rejection is more frequent and a lot more painful.
After the show Haechan is back to clinging again.
"Ugh, it's too hot for this. Stop." He says coldly and walks away. Haechan pouts some more but Mark scoots over to console him. Everyone has noticed that he is more clingy to Renjun these days but no one really knows why and Renjun seems to hate every second of it. All of the boys in dream hate to see Haechan sad, he is after all, their full sun but these days Renjun just doesn't seem to care that he has been the cause of his sadness. When they leave for the night Dream goes to their dorm and Haechan of course is in the 127 dorm with Mark.
"Why are you so sad Hyucky?" Johnny asks when he sees him walk in and lie down without a word.
"I'm fine, I'm happy." He says lifelessly. Johnny sighs and goes to Taeyong he knows he's the mom of the group and if anyone can console a sad person it's the mom.
"Haechanie, Johnny said you are not yourself. What's wrong?" Haechan wipes the tears he's been crying while he was alone.
"I can't tell you. You'll think I'm weird and you will hate me and so will everyone else and I don't want to get kicked out of the band." Taeyong chuckles.
"Absolutely none of those things would happen. I won't judge you and I'm sure no one else will either." He cries harder as Taeyong holds him, and he whispers his secret.
"I'm in love with Renjun and he hates me." Taeyong rocks him back and forth as his sobs get more violent.
"Shh, shh. No don't cry baby Haechanie, listen to me." He quickly pulls his phone out and sends a text to a person he knows can help in this situation.
When there is a knock on the door he stiffens.
"Hey, what's going on here? Haechan don't cry." Taeyong mouths for him to tell him.
"Taeyong and I have been in a relationship for two years." Jaehyun says making Haechan freeze.
He looks up at the two with his puffy swollen face in disbelief.
"You are lying, why did you tell him? Now I'm going to have to leave the group..." before he could ramble on anymore Jaehyun leans in and kisses Taeyong softly on the lips like only a boyfriend could.
"We don't tell a lot of people for obvious reasons but yes we are." Taeyong says.
"B-but Renjun hates me." He says sadly. Jaehyun makes a sad pout and sighs.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you, maybe just back off a little, give him some space, you know?" Haechan nods.
"Thank you guys. You really helped me a lot." They hug once more then the two leave for the night. Of course he feels more comfortable about his feelings but it doesn't change Renjun's.
He still silently cries himself to sleep. Unfortunately they have a schedule to keep which means puffy face or not he has to go.
After only a few hours of sleep he is woken up by Mark.
"Wow you look like shit today." Mark whispers so he doesn't wake Johnny.
"Thanks. I thought I'd make the makeup artists really work for it today." He says sarcastically. His voice is scratchy too but luckily there is no singing today, just a promotional video for YouTube.
"Are you going to be ok? Why were you crying?" Haechan sighs.
"I'm fine Mark. I don't want to talk about it and you don't have to worry, I will still be the full sun." He says with just a hint of sarcasm at the end.
He goes to shower and hopefully wash away some of the damage that a night of crying provided.
When they meet at the spot it is to be filmed everyone notices that he is off. Not only in his looks but his personality as well. He isn't the same bubbly, clingy, upbeat person he always is. Mark can only shrug it off to the others who are giving him questioning looks.
"Why does he look so sad?" Jisung whispers.
"I'm not sure what's going on, I know Taeyong and Jaehyun had a talk with him last night to cheer him up but I can tell he spent most of the night in tears." Jeno waits patiently for the makeup to be finished on him and goes up and engulfs him in a big bear hug. He picks him up and spins him until they are both dizzy and Haechan finally lets out a little giggle.
"Smile, sunshine." He says cutely. Haechan smiles a little and goes to his seat.
As soon as the camera rolls he is back to the same old Haechan, goofy, fun, happy and clingy, with everyone but Renjun, and everyone notices. Renjun is a bit disturbed by it at first then realizes he brought it on himself. When the camera stops rolling so does he. He quickly walks to the waiting vehicle for him and Mark and waits there. He sits with his head back on the seat with his eyes closed.
This goes on for weeks. Day after day of him putting on an act for the camera then he's sad again. Nobody really knows what's going on except of course for Taeyong and Jaehyun.
When the Dream promotions come to an end he is elated. He doesn't have to be around the person he longs for, that doesn't want to be around him. He is a completely different person for the time being and everyone is hoping he is done with what ever was making him sad before.
He happily flutters around his room looking for his hidden snacks because he finally has some down time and plans to spend it gaming with his roommates. Johnny, Taeyong and Jaehyun are planning on playing with him. He's so excited.
"I have to run and grab my Red Bull, don't start without me!" He shouts out as he exits his room, he runs excitedly to the fridge then sees Doyoung talking animatedly to someone in his room with the door open only a crack.
"Hey Doyoungie, you should log on too." He says cutely, running up to him. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Renjun sitting on the end of his bed with a smile that falls off when he enters.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were entertaining." He turns to look his way for only a second.
"Hi." He says awkwardly before turning and walking away. Doyoung was saying something else to him but he gave up on listening. His mood has altered completely by the time he gets back to his computer. Johnny notices but doesn't say anything about it. He tries to just carry on like they were. It's at the point that he is playing like complete shit and Jaehyun gets angry that their team is losing. He tries texting but Haechan isn't looking at his phone so he goes to him and sees the culprit right away.
Without a word he walks to where he is and grabs him, pulls him down the hall and shoves him into Haechan's room.
"Work it out." He yells. Doyoung is so lost, trying to figure out why his guest was just abruptly taken.

In Haechan's room the atmosphere is very tense and awkward. Johnny excuses himself right away.
"H-hi, Haechan. It seems we have something to work out?" He questions to which Haechan scoffs.
"Just go. I'm fine." Renjun rolls his eyes and sits on his bed.
"You aren't fine, you are mad at me. I'm not dumb. I know I hurt you." Haechan tries to hide the fact that he is tearing up but Renjun of course notices.
"Do you honestly think I wouldn't see it?" Haechan scoffs again, furiously wiping at his eyes.
"Just go, I only want people in here that care about me." He says stubbornly. Renjun knows he acts cold but it hurts to hear that he actually thinks he doesn't care.
"You don't think I care about you? You don't think I notice when you are a literal ball of sunshine and the highlight of my day then turn into a sad shell of yourself?" Haechan just turns his chair away.
"Psh. If you noticed and if you actually care then tell me why you always push me away? Why do you act so disgusted by me? Why do you always make me feel like I'm a burden in your life?" Now Renjun is crying too.
"I never meant to make you feel that way, ever." He says between his sobs.
"I push you away because the closer you get to me physically, the more I feel for you emotionally." He pauses to get his bearings and sighs again.
"Haechan, I'm going to tell you something that may be troubling to you but the only way to clear this up is honesty." Haechan finally turns and faces him, he nods his head to show he's listening but he still has his eyes glued to the floor.
"A long time ago things started changing for me. Whenever you talked to me a certain way my heart would do all these weird things. When you are happy or soft spoken or when you compliment me I could feel it doing these crazy flips in my chest. When you are angry, annoyed or sad at me then it would hurt, and it's been hurting for a while." Haechan has stopped sniffling and is listening intently now.
"When you cuddle me, I always want to cuddle you back. When you kiss me, I always want to kiss you back but not necessarily on your cheek." Haechan gulps as he looks up in his eyes finally.
"When you touch me, I always want to touch you back and it's not always innocent." He pauses and daringly takes his hand.
"Haechan I have feelings for you, real feelings and I don't know how to deal with it. I don't want anyone to hate me and I especially don't want you to hate me." Haechan can feel a tremble in the others hand and holds it tighter. Both have rivers of tears falling down. Haechan starts to laugh through his tears and goes to his bed to sit by Renjun, he pulls him in his arms and holds him tightly and for the first time in a long time Renjun doesn't fight it, doesn't push him away. He wraps his arms around him as well and holds on for his life.
"Renjun, the reason I cling to you so much is because I love you. You make me happy and you are just, you and I love you and when I'm not with you I feel like I will die and this whole time I thought you hated me was killing me." Renjun rubs his back.
"I'm so sorry, so so sorry." He pulls back to look him in the eyes.
"Do you really love me Haechan? Like, not like a brother?" He asks skeptically, Haechan giggles.
"Of course I do." He sits and watches Renjun's dopey smile form.
"Now is when you kiss me." He says right before puckering up. Renjun giggles now and leans in, connecting their lips in a soft, loving kiss.

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