Secretary (Jungjae)

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This is a bit longer but I didn't want to do a part 2.

Jungwoo follows his boss down to the meeting room faithfully like he does every time. He tries not to watch his ass but it's right there and it's oh so nice in his gray suit. They sit in the room side by side just like any other day and he prepares to listen in and take down anything important that they will need to remember. This is a big one, they are trying to acquire a couple warehouses in the southern district. It's cheaper this way, rather than building new and they don't want to waste funds on that.
Only ten minutes in Jaehyun gets a call and quickly answers it, seeing it's from Mr. Lee, his child's teacher. He excuses himself and steps into the hall.
Hello?" He asks in a deep voice.
"Hi, Mr. Jung? I am Yoon oh's teacher." He barely gets out.
"Is he hurt? Is everything ok?" Jeno sighs.
"He is running a fever and he vomited. He needs to be picked up." He hears a sigh on the other end.
"Ok, I am in a meeting right now can it wait?" Jeno has sympathy but rules are rules.
"No sir, I'm afraid he has to be picked up now." He hears another deep sigh.
"Fine but I'll have to send my secretary. Is that ok?" Jeno smiles even though he can't see him.
"It is, I'll connect you to the office. Give them the information and they will need their full name and they will have to show ID."
"Ok, thank you." He says relieved. He walks back into the meeting space and taps Jungwoo on the shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, give me just a few more minutes, I have a small emergency." He says to the group as Jungwoo follows him out.
"Is everything ok sir?" Jungwoo asks out of genuine concern. He watches his boss pace a few times before finally speaking.
"I need you to do something for me?" He asks with what Jungwoo thinks is a nervousness to his voice.
"Anything sir." He says softly. Jaehyun nods with a small smile.
"Can you go pick up my son from school?" The absolute shock is written all over his face and Jaehyun knows exactly why.
"Uh, ok. Yeah." Jungwoo manages out. Jaehyun breathes a sigh of relief while Jungwoo is barely breathing, he always hoped he had a small chance, he really likes his boss.
"Oh thank you. Thank you so much. Just take him to my house, I'll text you the address and the code to get in. Please just stay with him until I can get there?" Jungwoo nods absentmindedly as Jaehyun starts to head back into the meeting.
"Sir, I don't have a car." He says in hushed tones.
"Right. You have a license though?" He asks.
"Yes, b-but why me?" Jaehyun sighs as he hands the key to his car over.
"I trust you most. My parents are out of town and the nanny is out for a couple of weeks with her sick mother. I just don't have anyone else.

After picking him up, Jungwoo can see that this child is the spitting image of his beautiful father. He wonders what the mother looks like. It isn't a long drive from the school to their house and he is quite surprised by the size. It isn't ridiculously big but it is quite large. He just thought it would be a lot more extra than it is.
"Yoon oh, buddy we are here." He says softly to the sleepy six year old in the back. He only gets a small nod then the child is back to sleep. He smiles softly and goes to pick him up. He carry's him to the door and fumbles a little to get his phone out of his pocket for the code, when he finally does he is so relieved. His nerves are so on edge as he does this whole process.
"Ok, little man point to your bedroom." Yoon oh points up the stairs and that's all the help he gets. He pokes his head in a few doors, one of them looks like the master so he backs out quickly so he doesn't invade his privacy.
When he finds his room he sets him onto the bed and goes into his cutely decorated bathroom to start a bath. He wakes him and takes him to the bathtub. He feels so much better after his bath and Jungwoo is falling in love with this little angel every second. He makes a small pot of soup, nothing fancy, just something to put into his stomach.
After a few hours spent watching cartoons with him he notices the time and that he is really sleepy. It's already seven pm and he's eaten more soup so he opts to read him a story and put him to bed.

When Jaehyun walks in, extremely exhausted and worried, he practically runs through the house looking for them. He had texted multiple times but didn't get a response. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, Jungwoo is sitting on the bed against the wall with his sons head in his lap. He breathes a sighs of relief and stands for a few more seconds just taking in the sight before he decides to stop being a creep and wake him up. He's gentle as he touches his shoulder.
"Jungwoo, hey. I'm home." He smiles brighter than he has in such a long time as he sees the cute faces the other makes as he wakes up. When they finally make eye contact Jaehyun is mesmerized by his ethereal beauty. He sees him every day, he knows he's pretty but this is a whole new level.
"I-I'm home." He whispers. Jungwoo nods and stands he bends down and kisses Yoon oh's head and walks out with Jaehyun on his heels.
"I'm so sorry. The meeting ran long then it was one thing after another and I couldn't get away. I tried to text." He says feeling genuinely bad for keeping him here all day.
"It's ok, we had a nice time. He's eaten soup twice and kept it down, his fever has broke too so I think he will be fine but maybe won't be able to go to school tomorrow?" He says unsure just before soft firm lips attach to his. He kisses back immediately, this is a man he's liked for a long time and at first doesn't question it until he does.
"Wait, what? You have a kid and you are straight and there must be a mother and why did you?" He tries to ask every question on his mind. Jaehyun's ears have gone red. He can't believe he did that. He takes his hand and guides him to the couch.
"I'm sorry, n-not that I kissed you b-but for everything else. Fuck, my life is a mess." He sighs and stands offering a drink to Jungwoo who declines and sits watching him pour a shot of whiskey.
"About a year ago, he was dropped at my door. Apparently I made him with a woman I was in college with and never knew. She's been struggling with alcoholism I guess and she couldn't care for him anymore. I thought she would have returned or at the very least called or something but no, I've been a single parent ever since." He sighs as he finally sits back down in front of Jungwoo.
"I'm Bi, and I've liked you for a long time and tonight when I saw how obviously caring you were with my son I couldn't help myself. I've always thought you were the prettiest person I've ever met." He says slowly as he inches closer. He touches the side of his face and Jungwoo gives a small nod before he presses their lips together again. It lasts a lot longer this time, it heats up pretty quickly too. Jaehyun, having been a lonely single father for over a year now feels a need he hasn't allowed himself to in so long and Jungwoo shares such an affection for him that he of course goes along with it. Jungwoo feels his hands tighten on his waist as he is pulled into him. With each new step, each new sensation Jaehyun always stops to ask. So by the time they are fully naked on his bed, tongues in each other's mouths and hands roaming everywhere, it is consented, it is wanted. Jaehyun's big strong hands find every curve, every sensitive spot that raises the little hairs all over his body.
"You're so beautiful." He says softly in his ear as he starts fingering him deeply, making him moan loudly. Jaehyun shushes him with a giggle and he covers his mouth.
"So fucking cute." He says as he lunges his fingers upward as hard as he can. Jungwoo can only whimper.
Soon enough Jaehyun reaches for a condom and looks in his eyes.
"Is this ok?" He asks again. Jungwoo nods quickly and kisses his neck as he hovers just above him. Jaehyun slips it on while kneeling in front of him, making his mouth water as he watches it stretch over his shaft. He pushes Jungwoo's legs up and touches him with his tip.
"Are you ready baby?" He asks making Jungwoo's breath hitch. The term of endearment makes him want to cry but he holds it back and nods his head. Jaehyun pushes in slowly, Jungwoo's vocal ability is reduced to a low ragged moan as he feels the ever so painful yet perfect stretch.
"Oh, yes." He says when Jaehyun finally stops deep inside before kissing him so deep he almost can't breath. He starts to slowly move in and out feeling his dick get squeezed by this perfect human under him.
He speeds up at Jungwoo's request and it's all they can do not to tear the bed apart. When he finally slows as his dick is being milked by Jungwoo, Jaehyun kisses him softly, his lips, his nose, his cheeks.
Jaehyun being a gentleman helps him to the shower and washes him. Not much is said, it doesn't need to be yet. They fall asleep in each other's arms not long after.

When Jungwoo wakes in the morning he's kind of panicked. He can't find his clothes and he wants to make a clean break. He sneaks out of the room and can hear and smell breakfast and sighs. He doesn't want to interrupt them but he needs his clothes.
"Hi." He says quietly, hiding behind the door." Jaehyun chuckles at his behavior.
"Come in here, you have to eat too."'He looks cautiously over at Yoon oh before looking back to the other.
"It's ok, I'm not kidnapping you either, your pants and jacket are hanging on the back of the door and I washed the rest of your stuff." He nods with a small thank you. After eating Jaehyun sends Yoon oh to go read a book while he talks to Jungwoo.
"So what is work going to be like now?" Jungwoo asks softly.
"The same as before, unless you let me kiss you sometimes, behind my office door of course." Jungwoo looks up surprised.
"Look, I'm not asking you to move in and be my child's surrogate mother but I would love to take you out on a date or two to see if we are as compatible outside of work as we are in. Would you go out with me?" Jungwoo smiles softly.
"I would like that. And I'm open to kisses, among other things." Jaehyun kisses him softly.
"Will you spend the day with us?" He asks softly.
"I'd love to." He relaxes a little and Jaehyun borrows him sweats so he doesn't have to wear his suit all day. They use this time to talk and learn as much about the other as possible. Both hoping they have found their forever.

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