The wedding party pt 2 (Jaewoo)

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"Hey." Mark says as he walks into Jungwoo's apartment, it's only been a week since.
"What's going on at the shop? Why have you been closed this whole time?" He asks, figuring he already knows the answer anyway.
"I'm not ready to go back. I'm taking an extended leave, I think I might go to Europe? I'm not sure." He says sadly. Mark frowns.
"What about all of the appointments you had set up already?" He shakes his head.
"It's fine i called them all and referred them to a friend across town that does great work. They all think someone died, what they don't realize is, it was just my heart." He walks away to go grab more things to pack.

Mark never liked the situation he got himself into. He knows Jungwoo falls easy. He tried to get him to stop it so many times before giving up. He knows this one will hurt him for a long time.

"I hope this helps you, but please be careful?" Mark asks his dear friend.
"Of course I will. Can you keep an eye on things for me? You know just check on the shop from time to time to make sure no one breaks in and stuff?" Mark smiles softly and hugs him.
"Of course I will. Hey?" Jungwoo looks in Marks deep caring eyes.
"Please don't go falling in love with anyone. I think you need time to heal." Jungwoo smiles softly and hugs his friend as his tears fall.
"Trust me, I plan to stay far away from men for a while. In fact I'm thinking of maybe giving it all up and becoming celibate." Mark chuckles.
"Sure." They have a good laugh before Jungwoo promises to call every day and grabs his things to leave.

"I'm having a nice time. I know this isn't going to heal my wounds but it helps a lot." Jungwoo says as he's on his third week already.
"I'm thinking I'll be coming home soon. Maybe next week. I should get the doors open again." Mark hums.
"You've had a few people inquire about your opening already. They always seem to know I check in on Mondays." Jungwoo purses his lips as he watches the Italian countryside out his cab window.

"They both gave  me a name and number to call. The first guy was Jeffery and the second was Johnny. I'll give you their numbers when you get back. They really want you for their wedding needs, apparently you were highly recommended." Jungwoo hums. He's sure that it should feel nicer to be wanted than it does. The pain of knowing he's that good, for someone else's wedding is now more of a burden than a compliment.

"Ok, thanks again Mark. I'll call you when I get to town." He hangs up with a heaviness in his heart. Deep down he knows the only way to get over this is to get back to work and back to what he used to love doing. He's been avoiding it for too long now. He tries to put it aside for one last time though. He's going to a vineyard in Italy. He's going to enjoy this for all it's worth then he will make the plans needed.

When Jungwoo returns home, it's just as hard as he thought. He pulls up and pulls away three times before he finally goes in. He's been home, that's nothing, it's the shop that hurts.
It's a Friday, he thought he'd come in and get ready to open the following Monday. He locks the door behind him and keeps the lights off except for where he is directly working. He doesn't want any unexpected visitors.
This point holds true when he goes into the changing room for the first time. This proves to be the hardest because while they've christened a lot of places in this store, this is where it all started.
As he sits in the corner bawling his eyes out Mark walks in quickly to hold him through it.
"Hey, I thought I told you to call me when you were heading down here. You shouldn't be alone in here just yet." Jungwoo nods and whispers, sorry as he buries himself in Mark's neck.
"I'm planning to be here on Monday too, and any day after that, that you might need." Jungwoo tries to argue but it's futile.

On Monday he calls and leaves messages for the two who were waiting for him that he is available and can make appointments right away. They announce on all their social medias that he has returned and have gotten flooded with calls from people who are glad he's back.
"See, everyone loves you." Mark says softly.

By Wednesday he feels ok. He lets Mark go early so he can become accustomed to doing this alone again and by the end of the week he's already back to normal. At least on the outside.
When the next week rolls around the inherent sense of dread is almost completely gone. He gets a call bright and early from Johnny, the man he called back first. He is able to make an appointment for him and his friend Jeffery who happen to be going to the same wedding. The day is filled with person after person, it's cathartic really.

By Tuesday afternoon he's tired but ready to go for his last appointments of the day. He's in his office totaling the bill for one of his wedding parties when he hears the bell on the door.
"I'll be right there." He calls out. He gets no response but can hear someone walking around. He finally gets to his feet and heads out only to be a bit taken aback.
Most people who shop here are really rich and would only come in a nice suit. This person is here in a hoodie and sweat pants. He's not sure they understand just how high end this place is. He hates having to turn people away when they don't have the money. The look of shame in their eyes is enough to break a heart.

"Hello? Jeffery is it?" He asks softly. He watches them stiffen up as they nod.
"I hear you are going to a wedding soon and need a suit? I hope we can accommodate your needs." He says to him. He can see him turn, almost as if he's thinking about leaving but soon the man turns back with his head still down.
"You must be shy huh? It's ok, I'll take care of you." He says softly as he is met with those eyes. He gasps and covers his mouth. The tears already threatening as he shakes his head no.
"I told you not to come back you bastard. I-I can't do this, I can't be near you. I am trying to get over you." He says desperately as his tears go ahead and fall against his will.

"You said as soon as I got married I couldn't come back. I never got married." He says, watching as Jungwoo gasps and frowns again.
"But what about your grandfather? Your fiancé? Your company?" He asks, still in shock. Jaehyun leads him to a bench off to the side and sits him down.
"My grandfather fired me from the company as soon as I told him I wasn't going to marry my fiancé. I knew that would happen but I didn't care. I had fallen in love and knew that there is only one person who can fall asleep and wake up with me. There is only one person who I will ever marry." Jungwoo shakes his head no again.
"B-but you worked so hard for what you had, made such a good name for that company." Jaehyun just shrugs.
Why didn't you call me?" Jungwoo asks in a shaky voice as he stares at Jaehyun's hand still holding his.
"I wanted to talk to you in person at first, so I waited for a couple weeks then when I did call, you had blocked my number." Jungwoo makes an O face which makes the other giggle.
"I talked to your friend a bit one day when he was here and he said you were in Europe. So I gave him a friends number and a fake name. I knew if he knew who I was he's probably tell you to never come back." Jungwoo laughs.
"That's true." He sighs and leans against the wall.
"I'm so sorry Jungwoo. I pretty much knew that I couldn't go through with it after being with you for two weeks but I kept pushing those feelings away, I was determined to get the company. But that morning when I left here, I was leaving half of me behind and I knew as soon as your door closed that I couldn't do it. I decided I'd rather start all over at a different company then suffer without you forever." He sniffles as his tears fall.

"I've m-missed you so m-much." Jaehyun says through his tears.
"Will you ever be able to forgive me?" He asks still wiping his face.
"You broke me Jae. When you left me that day, You took a part of me with you. Why didn't you say something? Anything really?" Jaehyun sighs and rubs his face aggressively before pulling at his hair.
"As sure as I was about my heart, I wasn't so sure about my future. I'm sorry, so so sorry." He says as his cries increase.

He nods vigorously and stands.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. M-maybe I shouldn't have come. Maybe I sh-should go. I'm so sorry." As he walks away, Jungwoo can see he is broken. He can't sit and watch him suffer, he knows they both need each other to heal.
"Wait! Wait!" He runs to him and hugs his back as his hand is on the door handle.
"I can't let you walk away again. We've both suffered enough, don't you think?" Jaehyun nods as his head drops and his tears fall harder. He turns in his arms and pulls Jungwoo close.
"I love you so much. I love you and I'm sorry I let you go. I never should have let you go." He says still hugging the life out of him.
"I love you Jae, so, so much. I went away to get you out of my heart but you burrowed in deep. I kept thinking how much you would love those places and maybe you've already seen them but if not we could maybe go some day." He's interrupted with a soft kiss.
"We have our whole lives ahead of us, we will see and do everything together. I'm never letting go." Jaehyun says softly earning a teary nod from the other.
"Forever and ever?" Jaehyun nods with the dimpled grin Jungwoo loves so much.
"Forever and ever."

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