The babysitter pt 1 (Jaeren)

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So this is mostly smut and will for sure have a part 2 and possibly a third.

"You can't be serious? You know I hate people. I can survive on my own." Renjun's mother sighs.
"I'm going to be gone a month, how are you going to get groceries? You know damn well you won't go get them yourself. What if there is an emergency? What if you get sick? Are you going to go to the doctor? No, you would probably just lay there and die. Now, I don't want any arguments. I've hired someone who will cook, help with cleaning, make sure you are safe and keep you company." He pouts.
"This is stupid." She sighs.
"Just go get the guest room ready, he will be here any minute and I have to catch my flight." He stomps up the stairs.

When he finishes, his mother has him come downstairs to greet their new house guest.
"He better not be a creep." He mumbles just as the doorbell rings.
"Be nice." She mouths.
When she opens the door Renjun stays back with his head down. He can hear the stranger walk in and takes
a deep breath. He's starting to get really nervous. The thought of spending a month with a complete stranger is overwhelming enough, but the fact that his mother just told him about it only adds to his anxiety.
"Honey? Honey? Are you ok?" He nods but keeps his head low.
"Ok, well I have to go. Jaehyun here will take good care of you, and don't worry, he's very trustworthy. He has really good credentials." He nods again and walks to the living room to sit on the couch before his knees give out.

After a few minutes he feels the couch dip beside him.
"So, Renjun. What do you like to do for fun?" Silence.
"Is there anything I can get you for now? Do you have a plushie that comforts you when you are uncomfortable?" Renjun scoffs.
"I'm not a child." Jaehyun sighs.
"I know, I just don't know how to get you to be comfortable with me? I'm not trying to be demeaning, I just want you to look at me." Renjun sighs as he finally turns to face him. He's met with a beautiful dimpled smile, and warm eyes framed by black rimmed glasses.
"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Renjun shakes his head as Jaehyun raises his brow.
"Use your words princess." Ok now Renjun's heart is about to explode. As sweet as the words sounded coming from his perfect lips, he is a stranger. He's not very social but he at least knows this isn't first conversation talk.
"No?" He kind of questions, Jaehyun chuckles.
"Ok, can you show me where I'm sleeping? I'd love to get unpacked, then we can make dinner." Renjun frowns as he stands. He's really worried about this situation.
"F-follow me." He says softly.

He feels the man's eyes on him the whole way.
"It's here. I just put fresh sheets on, new soap and towels in the bathroom. I can show you the rest of the house later, for now I'll be in my room." He says calmly as he steps out of the way.
"Which is?" Jaehyun asks.
"Huh?" The older chuckles.
"Your room? I need to know where to find you after?" Renjun blushes and points across the hall. Jaehyun smiles and pats his head.

Renjun quickly shuts his door and pounds at his chest, trying to stop his erratic heartbeat. He changes out of his "nice clothes" that his mother made him wear, into a pair of comfortable shorts and a baggy t-shirt before crawling onto his bed and holding his moomin plushie tightly. He wonders if he should give this guy an actual chance or if he should call the police. He's really not sure.
He lays there long enough to start to get sleepy and barely registers the knocking on the door.
"So you do have a precious plushie, I had a feeling, you seem like the type." Renjun scowls at him.
"The type? And what type is that?" He asks annoyed.
"It's nothing to be offended about. You have fears, and you are soft. And I mean that in the nicest possible way." Renjun just scoffs and stands but not before throwing his moomin onto the floor to prove a point. He stomps out of his room with Jaehyun in tow before telling him to hold on. He quickly runs into his room and hugs moomin and whispers his apology before gently placing him on his bed.
Of course he's angered to see Jaehyun followed him and witnessed the whole thing.

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