Fire truck (JohnJae)

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"Squad 127, house fire, 2nd and elm. All available units."
Everyone drops what they are doing and runs to suit up. It's the same routine every time, but never the same result. They can have ups and downs and successes and loss all in one 24 hour shift.

When they arrive at the scene the lieutenant, Johnny Suh directs his men skillfully where they need to go. His team consist of Mark, Jaehyun, Yuta and Taeil. All of his men are very well trained and for the most part, well disciplined. They've on occasion gone beyond what they are required, to save a life. It only pisses him off when it puts them in danger. He is tasked with keeping all of them safe.

It is a routine house fire, as routine as they come anyway. Taeil and Mark are on hose while Yuta, Jaehyun and himself are searching for victims. They walk in together and check all the rooms. The fire is heavier upstairs so he had Jaehyun follow him while Yuta stays and searches the first floor. If there are victims upstairs then the two of them can get them out faster.

They find a victim, a woman possibly in her thirties passed out on the floor. Johnny scoops her up and goes to find the stairs again. As he runs down them they hear over the radio that the roof is about to go and they need to get out, which means cease and desist on all searches. At this point they can't help the victims anyway, if they all die. He keeps running down the stairs and sees Yuta on his way out while calling for Jaehyun.

"You better be behind me." He says as he crosses the threshold of the front door.
"Hold on, I hear a baby. Give me a minute." He says, clearly running, by the sound of his breathing.
"Fuck, Jae. You don't have a minute." He stares at his watch and looks up to check every other second to see him coming out. His heart is beating uncontrollably in his chest as his fear rises.
"Fuck, fuck,fuck." He says.
"Come on Jae." He says desperately.
"I've got him, I'm coming." He says.

He puts the baby inside his coat and makes his way to the stairs just as the roof falls. Everyone can hear him scream out and Johnny is trying really hard to obey orders and not go in after him. The whole crew is watching with bated breath as the hose crew desperately tries to put this out. Johnny yells into his walkie-talkie again.
"Jae, come on. Please?" He drops down in a squatting position and prays harder than he ever has. He can't watch anymore, at least until he hears cheers from his men and onlookers alike.

Jaehyun survived the impact and was still able to bring the baby out to the paramedics on sight. They rush him into the ambulance to reunite him with his mother.
Johnny walks up to Jaehyun who is receiving an eval from medics too. He looks at him and shakes his head walking away.

The rest of their twenty four hour shift is spent with Johnny staying in his office to avoid him, unless on a call then he of course does his job.
By the end of the shift Jaehyun has had enough.
"I'm sorry." He says as he catches him on his way out.
Johnny turns and looks at him with no response and walks away.
"I said I'm sorry. I didn't want to let that baby die, I thought you would understand." He says as Johnny just walks away.

Jaehyun is bummed, he initially felt great that he saved a baby and really still does, but it doesn't come with the hero feeling like usual. Of course he doesn't do it for hero status but there is always a great feeling attached to a good save, at least usually. He's at home and Mark is currently trying to cheer him up and boost his Ego a bit while they have a few beers.
When the doorbell rings he walks slowly to the door figuring it's just solicitors or something like it.

When he opens it blindly he is shoved back. After the initial shock wears off he sees it's Johnny, looking just as pissed as he did the night it happened.
"What the fuck man?" Jaehyun asks just as Mark finally comes to see what's going on.
Johnny ignores him in favor of looking at Mark.
"Leave! This is between him and I." Mark looks at Jaehyun to see if it's ok and gets a nod. As soon as he's out the door Johnny is in his face backing him up toward his stairs.
"We had an order, a firm order from the captain that you chose not to follow." Jaehyun tries to speak up to defend his actions but Johnny won't let him.
"You could have gotten yourself killed.
I am responsible to get you home to your family.
I, and all of your brothers would have to live with the consequences of your actions, not you." Jaehyun is crying as he is almost laying back on his stairs with Johnny's face just inches from his own.

"I couldn't live if the man I love died that way.
I can't live on this earth without you, I won't." Johnny is crying fat tears as Jaehyun reaches up and pulls his face into his and presses their lips together.
"I love you Johnny. I'm sorry."
Johnny doesn't speak. He just continues kissing him, all over his face and neck, then back to his lips. Jaehyun holds him tightly to him as they stay pressed together, still lying on the steps.

"Let's go upstairs." Johnny nods and crawls up with him as they still can't separate their lips. It's surprisingly graceful as they work their way up. By the time they are in the hallway most of their clothing is removed. Johnny continues to hover over him, kissing him, appreciating and worshiping his skin. He kisses down his neck, to his collar bone. Down the middle of his chest before moving over and placing a kiss on his heart.
"God, I love you." He says, still sporting tears. He kisses down the center of his abdomen until he reaches that little soft trail of hairs leading to his desire.

Jaehyun has his hands in Johnny's hair, pulling tightly as he bobs up and down on his cock.
"Fffuck, Johnny, so good. I'm going to cum." Johnny looks him dead in the eye, with his mouth full of cock and nods yes. He continues to suck him dry until every ounce is in his throat. He crawls up and forcefully sticks his tongue into Jaehyun's mouth allowing him a taste.

"Fuck me Johnny. Fuck me now." Johnny looks softly at his face. His swollen lips and hairs sticking to his sweaty forehead. He doesn't speak as he pushes his knees up to his chest and lines up.
"Can you handle all of me with no prep?" Jaehyun smiles devilishly.
"Of course I can. Punish me." He says. Johnny does just that. He pushes in at a brutally fast pace. Jaehyun squeezes his biceps as a string of curses leave his lips. He wonders what he was thinking, he felt just how big he is.

Johnny of course takes mercy and pauses to let him adjust before getting the head nod. He resumes fucking into him hard and fast, having to hold him in place as he slides across the carpet.
He is relentless as he sloppily chases his high, Jaehyun is holding back his second orgasm with great difficulty as he wants to cum with him. He clings to Johnny tightly as he feels him nearing his climax. When Johnny tenses inside him he lets go as well. He feels him throbbing inside as his seed already starts to flow out of him.
Johnny kisses him deeply as he works his way out. He drops down on top of him making him huff. Johnny laughs and kisses him some more.

"I have rug burn really bad." Jaehyun says into Johnny's neck.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly.
"Don't be, it was worth it, trust me." Johnny gets up into his elbows and looks down to his face.
"I meant everything I said, I really am in love with you." Jaehyun smiles.
"Me too. I'll be more careful from now on." Johnny smiles with a sigh and cuddles into him again.
"For what it's worth, I probably would have done it too. You are a true hero. Both mom and baby are doing fine." Jaehyun laughs.
"So wait you would have done it too but you still froze me out and got mad at me?" He asks as they both start to sit.
"I wasn't mad. I was fucking terrified. There was a moment when I thought you wouldn't come out, it killed me. I just didn't know how to deal with it. I'm sorry." Jaehyun gets to his knees and kisses his lips before standing and helping him up.
"Let's go shower, wash me then Fuck me up in round two and I might forgive you." Jaehyun says playfully. Johnny smirks.
"I think that can be arranged."

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