Iced americano (TenHyuck)

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So I got inspired for this and will probably do more off the list you guys gave me. Hope you enjoy!

"Hey." Ten says softly as he walks up behind the moody guy on the bench. He receives a grunt.
"What do you want?" He's a bit taken aback by his rudeness but he expected it nonetheless.
"I don't mean to disturb you. I work in the coffee shop next to your building. I brought you a drink." The person frowns making ten chuckle.
"I remember your drink order, you get it everyday, except today." He looks at him, really looks at him.
"Thank you, I'm surprised you remember me with so many going through there." Ten looks down as his cheeks heat up.
"It's hard not to remember, you are so handsome." He says softly. There is a small pause as the other absorbs the comment.
"Haechan right? I'm Ten." He says just as he gets a text from his co worker.
"Oh, sorry. I have to go. Enjoy your coffee and have a good day." He says before starting to leave.
"Wait, how will I pay you?" Haechan asks.
"It's on me today." Ten says with what has to be the cutest smile he has ever seen.
"Oh, ok. Thank you again." He says watching him go.

Haechan smiles slightly to himself.
"Ten huh? Cute." He says out loud.
He goes back into his building sipping his iced americano with a hint of vanilla flavoring. Of course all of his coworkers notice the new lightness in his step and actual smile in his eyes.

Every day Haechan makes a point to go to the coffee shop before work. Everyday he goes in just a few minutes earlier than the day before because their conversations are getting longer.
He's decided that today is the day. It's been two months. He plans to finally ask Ten on a proper date. Something he's been wanting to do since he got his first free coffee. He walks in and spots him there behind the counter getting set up for the day and smiles to himself.
He takes a deep breath and walks over.

"Good morning Ten." He says softly, watching him startle as usual. He is always so focused on his work that he startles easily.
"Good morning Haechanie." He says cutely. Haechan stands next to him which is different, he usually goes directly to his spot.
"Ten, we've been talking for a while now. I come here every morning just to see you." Ten looks up shocked.
"Really? Oh." He says with pink cheeks. Haechan smiles widely and touches his hand.
"Why did you think I came?" He asks grinning wide. Ten blows out a puff of air.
"I guess, i just thought you liked the coffee?" He kind of questions.
"The coffee is just an added bonus, what I really like is you." Ten swallows thickly and flusters.
"Oh? Well, you know I'm so much older than you. You know my job is, well you know. I'm not a professional like you and I don't make much money and I..."
He is finally shut up with a kiss.

His fingers graze his lips as he stares in a daze off to the side.
"Will you go on a date with me Ten? I'm glad you work here, it means I get to see you every day. You make my coffee perfectly and I'm sad when you have the day off and I don't get to see you." He still looks hesitant so he gently takes his hands.
"Age? It's just a number. I think you are the most beautiful person I've ever met, from your perfect face, all the way down deep into your soul." He watches as his wheels spin.
"Will you give me a chance please?" He asks softly.

Ten finally purses his lips and of course Haechan thinks it's the cutest.
"Ok. I'd like to go on a date with you."

The night of their first date came quickly for Ten. He is so nervous. Haechan is so beautiful and the fact that he made the first move all those months ago when he brought him that coffee gives him a sense of pride but he's always been shy when it comes to dating.
He picked out his outfit so many times this week and ultimately came back to the first one.
He showers for probably longer than necessary but he wants to look and smell nice. He puts his favorite perfume on and finally gets dressed. He sits on the couch and tries to read a book for the next half hour. He isn't really good at timing things but didn't want to be late getting ready.

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