The weekend (Jaemle or Chenmin?)

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Smut warning..

"Hi." Jaemin hears softly behind him as he sits at the bar alone. He turns and smiles softly at the nervous and slightly younger person.
"Hi." He gestures at the open stool next to him and takes another sip of his rum and Coke. They sit silently until the bartender asks what he wants. He looks at Jaemin's drink and gestures silently to it. Nothing is said for a while, Jaemin can tell he's nervous for some reason.
"Are you meeting someone?" Jaemin asks softly. The other chuckles shyly.
"Not really, just maybe someone to go home with?" Jaemin raises his brow.
"Oh? Man or woman?" He looks away with red cheeks.
"Man." He says quietly.
"Can I ask why? You don't seem like the type to frequent the bars for one night stands." He shakes his head no.
"My name is Chenle by the way. I'm here staying with my stupid friend and he said I couldn't do it so I'm here to prove him wrong." Jaemin laughs loudly.
"Are you guys always this competitive?" He ask with a chuckle.
"Pretty much, and yes I know I'm not exactly being seductive here but it I haven't done this before." He smiles awkwardly and Jaemin smiles softly at him.
"Well, whatever it is you are doing is working, I'd love to take you home." He states, staring into his surprised face. He doesn't speak at first, he can only nod. Jaemin smiles and watches as he tries to down his drink in one go, he stops him.
"If we are going to do this, we have to be somewhat sober, slow it down a little." Chenle agrees and slows down. They sit in relative silence until their drinks are gone. When Jaemin stands he sees the other's nerves start to resurface.
"Do you still want to come to my place? It's ok if you change your mind, I won't tell." Chenle smiles softly.
"Thank you but I'd like to come." Jaemin nods with a smile and takes his hand.
On the drive to his apartment Jaemin is finally able to break the ice and get the other talking a little, he even got a few laughs out of him.
"So this friend you are staying with? He's not actually your boyfriend who is going to kick my ass when this is over?" Chenle chuckles.
"Even if he was my boyfriend, he couldn't hurt a fly. No we are truly just friends, no feelings whatsoever." He says with a confident smile. Jaemin is satisfied by this as he pulls into his parking spot. On the way up Jaemin takes his hand in an effort to provide some comfort and the other is quite surprised that it's working.
"Make yourself at home." He says as he opens the door and walks in first. Chenle looks around and takes it all in before he decides it's now or never and walks up to an unsuspecting Jaemin and plants his lips onto his. Jaemin is quick to reciprocate and Chenle quickly finds his lips addicting. Jaemin pulls him close and deepens it as his hands find purchase on the younger's small ass. Chenle moans into the kiss as he feels the other kneading him relentlessly and pulling their already hardened members together. He feels his long wet muscle start to invade his cavern and he welcomes it willingly. Jaemin quickly lifts him, earning a small squeal as he wraps his legs around his waist. The kissing doesn't stop, barely slows down as he carefully carry's the younger to his bed. He lays him down gently and crawls on top, he stares deep into his eyes and sees a yearning there that wasn't present before.
"Are you a top or bottom?" Jaemin asks softly.
"I d-don't know." Jaemin frowns.
"You're a virgin? I don't think I can do this, you deserve something special for your first time." Chenle grabs him and pulls him closer.
"This is how I want to lose my virginity and you are who I want to take it, please?" Jaemin nods and touches his face.
"What do you want to try for your first time?" He asks thoughtfully. Chenle smiles softly and reaches up to wrap his hands around his neck.
"You inside me. Take care of me?" He asks softly at the end earning a nod and soft smile from the older. He places his lips on his neck and leaves soft kisses, setting the other's skin a blaze. Chenle may be a virgin per say but he's done things, he knows desire and the need that comes with it and he's never needed it as badly as he does today. Jaemin's hands make swift work of opening his shirt as he leans down leaving a trail of kisses down to his belly button. He can't help the fond smile when Chenle starts squirming and giggling underneath him.
"Sorry, I'm really ticklish." He says breathless. Jaemin stares at his face with the light in his eyes, the beautiful aura surrounding him after laughing.
"You are so pretty." He says before capturing his lips again. Chenle starts pulling at Jaemin's shirt wanting it gone, when it finally is he appreciates the view in front of him.
"You're so fucking sexy." He says just before Jaemin swoops down and takes his pants off in one go. Chenle lies there watching as he goes down and makes a meal out of him. His insides are swirling with need as this has to be the hottest thing he's ever seen.
His tongue goes up and down his shaft and swirls around the tip a few times before he lifts his legs and starts opening him up. Between his tongue and fingers he's making quick work of it. Chenle is panting and moaning and writhing under him.
"I'm ready, please?" Chenle says softly. Jaemin stands and takes his jeans down before he walks over to his night stand and grabs a condom. Chenle watches and admires his naked form as he saunters around the room.
"You are really sure?" He asks one more time as he lines up with his entrance. Chenle nods quickly.
"I'm sure, please, I need you." Jaemin can't make him wait any longer, it wouldn't be right.
He kisses him deeply as he starts to push his way in. Chenle's nails dig into his back as he feels the stretch.
Jaemin is slow and deliberate at first, it's been a long time and he needs this just as much.
"You feel so good." He says as he starts to pick up the pace. Chenle moans in response and begs for his lips again. They keep it going at a steady pace until Jaemin starts chasing his release. Chenle has been holding back as long as he could but when he feels the animalistic way Jaemin is slamming into his sweet spot he can't hold it anymore.
"I'm going to cum. Oh, oh, yes Jaemin, fuck yes." He shouts out as his seed spills on his tummy. As soon as this happens Jaemin loses all of his control and pummels into him relentlessly.
"Fuck baby, so hot." He spills into the condom while Chenle is feeling every bit of it, trying hard not to take the pet name to heart. He knows he can't get attached, he knows losing his virginity to a stranger is risky but something told him that Jaemin was the right choice.
Jaemin finally collapses on top of him, he tries to wiggle away but Jaemin won't have it.
"Stay, just like this for a minute." Chenle stills.
"But we're messy." Jaemin smiles and looks at him softly.
"It's ok, we will go shower when we catch our breath, then we can have round two." Chenle looks surprised but ready nonetheless.

By the end of the weekend, both were exhausted. Chenle was honestly a little, ok a lot sore and really needed to leave. They had an amazing time, when they weren't inside each other they were talking about almost every aspect of their lives. Each of them felt that they knew the other for a long time but both new this wasn't a long lasting thing. Both new it was just an extended one night stand. On Sunday evening as Jaemin was slipping in and out of consciousness Chenle slipped out of his life.
He didn't leave his number, nor did he have Jaemin's. It should have ended days ago.
Of course he will go home and kick himself for not getting the other's number but it is a hard lesson learned. He knows he could just show up at his door if he really wanted to but he's not sure how Jaemin would feel about that so he won't.

If you are interested in reading more about them, this is from a sub plot to one of my Noren stories, 'Beautiful time'. It isn't a lot but it does elaborate more.

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