The santa clause (JohnIl)

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Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁 (I'm a day late but Shh.)
I was too busy to finish yesterday.
Anyway, yes of course there is smut.

When Taeil gets to work today he's really annoyed. He's always getting comments about his height and he hates it. So he isn't tall? He's just as much a man as anyone else, so when his boss informed him that he was to play Santa's elf for the whole month of December he wanted to cry. He's handed a green and red elf suit, complete with the pointy hat and shoes and worst of all tights. He sighs and goes into the changing room to put it on. As much as he wants to just walk out of his job, he knows he can't live without the income. With each piece he puts on he's more and more humiliated, but when he's done and looks in the mirror he has to fight his literal tears. He takes a few deep breaths and walks out. He goes to his boss to ask who santa is when the jolly man walks up behind him and ho ho ho's. He rolls his eyes as he turns. Of course when he turns all he sees is the red suit with white trim staring him in the face. As he says a silent "fuck" in his head at the fact that he was paired with a literal giant. He looks up and can't really see his face because of the fluffy fake beard hanging off it. He sighs again for the millionth time since he got here today and holds out his hand to shake.
"Taeil, I'm your elf." He says flatly. Santa laughs heartily, almost as if he is practicing for his role.
"You don't sound to happy about that princess? Hmm? Don't you want to be a good little elf for Santa?" He leans closer to whisper.
"Santa spanks naughty elves." He closes his eyes in annoyance. He's not sure what's worse, the fact that he said it or the fact that he kind of liked it.
"I'm Johnny." The giant red guy finally says.
Taeil notices the size difference in their hands and gulps. Already his smooth voice is driving him over the edge. It's been a few days, maybe about 365 since he's had sex and this man is already appealing but he's of course too proud to let on that he feels this way.

When they get to the cardboard North Pole that the store set up Mrs. Clause is already there waiting. They all greet each other and get into position, he knows it will be a long day. At first it's kind of boring and awkward for everyone, even the seemingly over confident Santa seems a bit uncomfortable with all these kids.
It really doesn't take him too long to warm up to them though and the elf and the wife follow soon after. Taeil notices that he is actually quite good with kids and this does nothing by way of calming Taeil's crush.
"How many of you think my elf here should sit on my lap and tell me what he wants for Christmas?" He asks to the crowd of children, making the aforementioned elf blush and shake his head no. The kids all cheer loudly and Taeil looks angrily at Santa before sighing and walking up to him.
"What's the matter my sexy little elf?" He whispers.
"I'm humiliated, that's what." Santa winks.
"I'm sorry baby boy, I've been watching your sexy round ass in those tights for too long now." His hand caresses the outside of his thigh making it look like he's just holding him in place. Taeil shivers and smiles at the kids, trying not to show his inner turmoil.
"So, what does my elf Taeil want for Christmas this year?" He asks finally. Taeil crosses his arms and thinks for a moment until he comes up with his most clever comeback. He leans close, his hot breath ghosts over Johnny's cheek as he speaks.
"I want to ride your sleigh." Of course as soon as it leaves his mouth he regrets it. He's in his head chanting stupid over and over as Johnny just smirks.
"Well it looks like my little elf here will be riding with me on Christmas Eve, helping me give presents to boys and girls all over the world. Taeil jumps and gets off his lap after realizing he could have ended that way sooner. He shakes his head at himself and stands back in his spot. He keeps his eyes glued to the children, he can't bare to look at Santa. He's not sure if it's the fact that he tried to be playful and seductive or the fact that he failed miserably. When he finally focuses enough on the situation at hand, he chances to look back just a little and sees a sexy little Mrs clause on his lap too. He could never admit how much that stings, he thought that Santa was flirting with him, not everyone. Now he feels even more stupid and he wants to crawl in a hole. He looks at his watch to see it's time to close up and quickly announces that the kids will have to come back tomorrow and closes the rope while walking away quickly. He doesn't think he can handle another second of this utterly humiliating day. He wonders if maybe he died and this is actually hell.
He gets to the locker room and hurries out of this horrible costume and dresses faster than he ever has. He slams his locker and fast walks out. As he's walking down the hall with his head down he hears his name, he looks back only long enough to shake his head and leave. He's done. He thinks today may have actually been his last day working in this awful department store.
He feels free. He spends his evening hanging out with a couple friends and they always have a way of cheering him up. He didn't tell anyone about his shameful day, quite frankly he doesn't want to relive it.
They have a few drinks with dinner and head for home. He feels so much calmer than he was just hours before. His bed has never felt so good underneath him and he's thinking he will just stay in it all day tomorrow. Fuck that awful job.

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