Taeyong's thighs (part one)Jaeyong

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Taeyong sat as usual on his best friends lap.
"Jaehyunnie, I met a boy and he's coming over to meet you." Jaehyun hummed.
"Why do I want to meet this boy?" He questions as his hands continue to stroke the others inner thigh.
"Because he asked me on a date and I want you to approve." Jaehyun inhales sharply and side eyes the Adonis on his lap.
"Do you want to go on a date with him?" Taeyong thinks for a moment.
"I mean he's really nice and nobody else asks me out so I figure I should at least give him a chance." Jaehyun chuckles a bit, hands still lazily stroking the others soft skin.
"I thought you would be turning people down left and right?" Taeyong laughs and slaps his shoulder.
"Lies, I don't think I'm very attractive. Seriously he's the only person in the last year that has asked me for a date." He pouts and crosses his arms on his chest.
"You are the prettiest boy I know, and anyone would be happy to have you. Maybe everyone is just afraid because no one can ever live up to your beauty." Taeyong smiles sadly and gets down off Jaehyun's lap.
"Thank you, but the one person I want doesn't want me back anyway, so I'm going to go out on a date with this Doyoung fellow and maybe he will be a nice guy." Now it's Jaehyun's turn to smile sadly. It doesn't last long until there is a knock at the door. Taeyong runs excitedly to it and reveals Doyoung smiling cutely at him.
"Oh come in, I wanted you to meet my best friend first. I of course need his approval." He gestured Doyoung to sit on the chair opposite of the couch and proceeds to plop back onto Jaehyun's lap which earns him a grunt.
Jaehyun lazily looks to Doyoung while he starts caressing Taeyong's thigh again, it's really just a habit that neither mind. Neither do they notice how uncomfortable it makes their guest. They make small talk, with Jaehyun asking basic questions, trying to act the part of protective best friend when he's really feeling the part of the jealous wannabe lover.
After what Doyoung would say was the most uncomfortable hour of his life he decided to get up to leave.
"Ok, well it was nice meeting you Jaehyun but I should be leaving now." Taeyong jumped from the others lap.
"Wait for me Doyoung I just have to change my outfit then we can go on our date." He giggles as he runs off leaving Doyoung to stand awkwardly looking everywhere but at Jaehyun whom he can tell is staring him down.
"The only thing I will say to you, you better not lay a finger on him. He's sweet and innocent and perfect and I expect him to return that way." He said this with a menacing tone while glaring right through the other. His expression unchanging until Taeyong skipped happily out, only then did he smile at his best friend who looked way too happy for his liking.
"Ok be good kids, I expect you home by 10 pm sharp or you will be in trouble Taeyong." He smiled slyly as both heads turned to him.
After they left Doyoung could breath again, he looked over to the sweet, innocent, perfect boy and couldn't help but agree.
"Should we go to the coffee shop down the street?" Taeyong hides his frown and smiles cutely while linking his arm with Doyoung.
The whole time on their coffee date all Taeyong could talk about was what Jaehyun would do, say or like and Doyoung has had enough.
"You are kind of an asshole aren't you?" Taeyong looks shocked and hurt by his words.
"You know, you have nothing to prove to me. If you're so in love with him tell him. Don't drag me into this mess of yours." Taeyong hangs his head in shame.
"I-I'm really sorry Doyoung. I thought that if I went out with you I could forget about my feelings for him since he doesn't reciprocate them." Doyoung laughed out loud much to Taeyong's confusion.
"Are you both really that dense? That boy loves you probably more than you love him." Doyoung stood up to excuse himself.
"Look Taeyong all you guys are doing is hurting each other. Just tell him how you feel." He walked away leaving a bewildered Taeyong in his wake.

On the other side of town Johnny is busy trying to console Jaehyun who's been sobbing into the phone the whole time Taeyong was gone.
"I can't believe he actually went out with him, god Johnny I love him so much."
"Just tell him, god you're a dumbass! He loves you too I know it."
"I'm scared it will ruin our friendship." Johnny chuckles.
"Don't you think that hurting whenever he has a date is going to ruin it as well? Think Jaehyun if he gets a boyfriend you won't want to be around him which will in turn ruin the friendship." Jaehyun cries harder and just hangs up the phone, he knows deep down that Johnny is right but knowing he may have already lost his Taeyong hurts the most.

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