No going back (MarkNoHyuck)

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"Come on guys, it's Friday, let's do something fun tonight. We're too young to go home to our cold lonely apartments like we always do." Haechan whines to his two closest friends.
"You two go ahead. I've got plans already." Jeno says making them both raise their brows.
"What's this? Mr. Introvert is going out?" Mark asks. Jeno just smiles.
"I'm ordering in and watching a movie. Then if I'm feeling up to it I'll watch some porn and stroke my giant cock." He says making both laugh.
"Giant? Ha. I'll believe it when I see it." Haechan says still chuckling.
"Ok, I should be ready about nine. You can come over and watch my giant veiny cock as I make myself cum." Haechan's cheeks burn.
"Pervert." He says as he slaps his shoulder. Jeno leans in and whispers in his ear.
"You know you want it." Haechan turns and walks away making the other two laugh at his expense.
Mark smirks and leans toward Jeno.
"Maybe I'll stop by and help you tame that beast?" Jeno coughs then quickly regains his composure.
"Fuck you. Have a nice weekend."

Jeno doesn't know but Mark watches his cute little ass the whole time he walks away.

He stops at a convenience store to pick up a few beers, he doesn't drink often but he's feeling it tonight. He heads home to his lonely apartment, as Haechan called it. Most of the time he doesn't mind. He likes the peace and quiet but sometimes he wishes for more.
He turns on the lights and sighs. Maybe he should have gone out with them, he thinks. He shrugs it off and puts his beer in the fridge before going to shower and change into some sweats.

He lingers in the shower for a while, letting the hot water relax his muscles. He uses his favorite vanilla body wash then washes his hair last.
He gets out feeling much better and dries himself before wrapping the towel around his waist to go to his room. He grabs his sweats out of the drawer just as his door bell rings. He frowns, he's not expecting anyone.
He looks out the peep hole and chuckles.
"Hey guys. The show wasn't starting until later remember?" Mark laughs while Haechan can't take his eyes off his chest.
"It looks to me like it already has." Mark says with a smirk. Jeno shakes his head and allows them in.
"I'll just go get some clothes on." Mark chuckles again.
"Neither of us mind this look, right Haechan?" Haechan's cheeks turn fire red.
"Sorry." He takes the beer that him and Mark brought to the kitchen to leave the situation. Jeno just shakes his head and goes to get dressed.

They order food and have a few beers with their dinner. They talk about work and funny things that happened in the past. They've been friends since college and were lucky enough to get hired at the same advertising company. Haechan took a little longer to get in so he worked odd jobs on and off for a year before they alerted him to a job opening.
After cleaning up their mess they decide on a movie and settle in on the couch.

Jeno ends up with his legs sprawled across Marks lap and his head in Haechan's.
It's about half way through it when Jeno feels a hand on his thigh. He looks at Mark, who looks up innocently.
"Sorry, does this bother you?" He asks as he squeezes it a bit.
"No, it's fine." Haechan is playing with his hair absentmindedly while he watches the movie.

What they didn't expect was a really graphic sex scene. They all keep their eyes glued to the tv because it is too awkward to look at each other.
He feels Haechan adjusting in his seat and knows what must be happening. He decides to tease him a bit and slide his head closer. Haechan freezes, he doesn't dare move. While Jeno thinks it's funny to tease this way, it's a little different when the tables are turned.
Marks hands have been kneading his thigh the entire time but now he's sliding them up. He chances a look at Mark who is staring directly at him. He thought he would be watching the movie not knowing what he was doing but every move he's making now is completely intentional.

Mark's brow is raised as if he's asking permission. For a second, Jeno doesn't know what to do, his head is spinning. It seems Mark wasn't lying when he said what he said earlier. He licks his lips slowly, pulling his bottom one in and biting down as he watches Mark's hand travel closer.
Mark smirks, he likes where this is going. He keeps sliding his hand up but misses his dick completely, that is until he leans closer and pulls his sweats down in the front exposing his thick cock. He starts sliding his hand up and down, loving the look on Jeno's face, something between pleasure and panic.
Jeno moans softly as his thumb grazes his slit. His head goes back further into Haechan who finally looks at the two. His cheeks heat up and he's unsure of what to do with himself.
"Sh-should I go? It looks like you may want to be alone?" He asks softly. Jeno looks up with his dark, fascinating eyes making Haechan weak.

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