Valentine boy (Jaewoo)

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Happy birthday to Jaehyun and happy Valentine's Day to everyone! 💚

"It's your birthday! What are we doing tonight?" Jaehyun groans as his best friend Johnny wakes him from his peaceful slumber.
"We should go to that new club." He says excitedly. Jaehyun groans again.
"We just partied last night and I'm tired." He pouts.
"Tonight is the night, cupids arrow will strike." Johnny says making Jaehyun chuckle.
"Mm hmm, fine whatever just let me sleep until then ok?" Johnny chuckles and hops off his bed.
"Sure thing, I'll be back around five to make sure you get ready." He says backing out the door. Jaehyun doesn't know this but he has a little party planned with a few friends. They ordered a cake and a special room in the club for a couple hours. He told his boyfriend Ten, to bring at least one single person he thought Jaehyun would like and a few of their other friends are bringing someone too. He thinks Jaehyun is lonely and needs a girlfriend to keep him company when the rest are all out on dates.

When the time comes for the party Johnny goes to his place and sees he actually got up and dressed on his own and pats him on the back.
"Good job bro, you are kicking birthday night off right." Jaehyun rolls his eyes.
They take a cab together and Johnny has arranged for them to get VIP access so they don't have to stand in line. It helps to have rich parents. First things first they head to the VIP room where everyone is waiting. They all congratulate him on his birthday and he can only roll his eyes at the lame attempt to set him up. He hugs all of his friends and greets all of the girls who have come but when he gets to the person by Ten he is awestruck. She is so pretty he thinks his heart may have stopped beating.
"Hi, what's your name?" He asks her as she gets shy and turns to Ten who just makes a face.
"J-jiwoo, I'm Jiwoo." She says softly. Ten smiles slyly. He knew all along that Jaehyun would like the girl he brought the most.
As the night goes on, Jaehyun finds himself enamored by this beauty. Her mannerisms, her face and body but more importantly, she is smart and funny and makes him want to be around her. Most of the times on these set ups he can't stand the girls that are picked for him. It's not that he's picky per say he just loves to laugh and wants his partner to be funny and nice and interesting. Jiwoo, is all of these things and more. After the little intimate party in the room is over Jaehyun invites her to the dance floor and they spend the rest of the night dancing and making out. Jaehyun convinces her, in her slightly drunken state to go to his place to pick up where they leave off and she readily agrees. The cab ride to his place is spent with their mouths attached to either the others lips or their neck. It's heated but respectful as they keep their hands to themselves in the cab, although the pervert driver is enjoying the show anyway.

When they make it to his apartment Jaehyun calms himself down a bit.
"Would you like a drink or anything? He asks the now, really nervous looking girl.
"J-just water." She says softly. He gets her a glass and sits by her on the couch. After a few minutes he leans over and captures her lips again, this time softer and she reciprocates willingly. After it heats up more he pulls her onto his lap where she sits facing him, legs on either side. She knows this can't go any further but Jaehyun is intoxicating. He's sweet and nice and so perfect, everything she would want in a boyfriend. As soon as the thought crosses her mind she stops Jaehyun, mid hickey.
"I-I uh. I'm sorry. I can't go any further, I should really go." Jaehyun frowns.
"No, wait. We don't have to go any further, please. I just don't want to be alone on my birthday. I won't touch you anymore, I promise. I just really like talking to you." Jiwoo smiles softly and agrees. He borrows her some sweats and she agrees to stay and talk. She didn't want to sit in tight jeans all night.
They spent the whole night talking, laughing and Jiwoo even let Jaehyun cuddle with her as long as he kept it pg. for Jaehyun, it was literally his best birthday ever. He's never felt more connected to a person and can't wait to get to know her even more.
By around four AM, Jaehyun finally passes out. Jiwoo sighs sadly and carefully peels him off of her. She changes into her jeans and softly kisses his lips one more time and whispers, "you will always be my valentine boy," before walking out. She leaves nothing behind but a memory that will last forever. When she gets to her place she cries her heart out and breaks anything in her path. She's not sure who she should be mad at, Ten or herself? She does know that she is broken and she left behind the kindest soul she's ever met.
When Jaehyun wakes the next morning to find her gone, he's disappointed beyond what he thought possible. He had visions of waking up with her and spending the day together. He searches for a note, anything, he even double checks his phone and is disappointed to find they didn't exchange numbers.
He spends the next few weeks searching and begging Ten for some kind of clue but Ten won't budge. He claims he doesn't know where she is and truth be told he doesn't. Jiwoo as Jaehyun knows them hasn't been answering Ten's calls anyway and Ten won't give someone's phone number out without their permission.
After another week when Jaehyun is just about to give up Ten calls him and tells him that Jiwoo wants to meet up. They will do it in a neutral location though, Jaehyun doesn't care, he just wants to see her again and find out if she has any feelings for him like he does her.
On the day of the meet up Jaehyun is nervous. They are meeting at Ten's house. He knocks and wipes his sweaty palms on his pants as he waits. Ten opens the door slowly and can't even look him in the eye, it gives him bad vibes but he doesn't care. Ten leads him to where Jiwoo is sitting on the couch and leaves them alone.
"Hi." Jaehyun says quietly. Jiwoo says hi back in a barely audible whisper.
"So, I uh, just want to know if you will possibly see me again? I thought we had a good connection and I just want to see you." Jaehyun says softly. He notices how Jiwoo starts to cry and wants nothing more than to take her tears away.
"I had so much fun with you Jaehyun but I wronged you and I'm sorry." Jaehyun frowns.
"What do you mean?" He asks thoroughly confused.
"I never should have let you kiss me." He whispers.
"Jaehyun, you are an amazing person and I really
Like you and want nothing more than to spend time with you. B-but I'm not who you think I am. My name isn't Jiwoo, I'm Jungwoo and I'm not a girl." He pulls his wig off making Jaehyun gasp. He doesn't say anything. Other than utter betrayal, his face shows nothing as he turns to leave.
"Wait, wait." Ten shouts at him.
"What? You knew didn't you? You were in on this?" Ten nods, ashamed.
"I met him at a cafe, we became friends and when Johnny said for all of us to bring a single person to introduce you to I could only think of him. I knew you would love everything about him but I also knew that you would never look past being straight long enough to give him an actual chance. Don't blame him please, this was all my idea and he feels so bad, especially because he really has feelings for you." Jaehyun shakes his head.
"Don't talk to me anymore." He says harshly as he pushes past Ten.

After another week Jaehyun is still bothered, before when he closed his eyes he could only see Jiwoo and wonder where she was and want to see her. Now he only sees Jungwoo and wonders how he is and hopes he isn't too hurt because of him. He's realized that Ten was right and he never would have given him a chance but it still hurts that he was lied to.
When he walks into the cafe he knew Ten frequented it was purposefully, so when he saw Jungwoo with his bright blonde locks falling into his eyes while he set drinks on someone's table, a stark contrast to Jiwoo's dark brown locks he was awestruck. He's just as beautiful as a man and he desires him just as much as he did when he thought he was a girl. He walks in slowly, he's wearing a ball cap and a mask so Jungwwo can't recognize him, just in case he needs to escape. He orders from the cashier and waits at a table. Jungwoo walks over and with a beautiful smile and his ever lovely voice, says hello and sets his drink down. Of course Jaehyun remains silent and nods so Jungwoo walks away to continue handing out orders. Jaehyun at this point isn't sure why he hasn't revealed himself yet but he sees Jungwoo taking off his apron and walking out the back door so he quickly stands and leaves behind him. He quickly shouts 'hey', to get him to stop and it works. Jungwoo turns to see the masked man in the alley with him and can't help the bit of fear rising in his chest. The man comes toward him pulling off his mask and Jungwoo still doesn't know if he should feel relieved since maybe Jaehyun wants to hurt him as pay back. Jaehyun of course notices the fear.
"I'm not here to hurt you. I want to talk to you." Jungwoo nods and leans against the wall.
"I miss you." Jaehyun says making the other shocked.
"I don't care what sex you are, I miss you. I enjoyed talking to you, I mean we talked for like five hours and I loved every minute of it and I want that again. I want to hold you and kiss you and talk with you." Jungwoo almost can't breath as Jaehyun leans in and captures his lips in a sweet kiss.
"Will you please see me again? As yourself though?" Jungwoo can't help it when he cries a little.
"I was hurt that you two lied to me but I've realized that if you hadn't, I probably would never have given you a proper chance. As usual Ten was right." They both chuckle.
"Maybe we shouldn't tell him." Jungwoo whispers making Jaehyun laugh.

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