Living the Dream pt2 (Jaemin +Dream)

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So I am warning you now, there is no smut in this...
If you feel unsatisfied and wish for more please let me know. I will be happy to do a part 3 that would honestly probably be loaded with smut, I mean there are 7 of them.🤷🏼‍♀️
Also, any suggestions of what you would like to see in it would be taken into consideration. 🫶

"Am I the only one that is this weak? Fuck, I miss him like crazy. He was my b-best friend and I'm not even angry, I just want him back." Jeno says to Renjun who just walked in after a photo shoot with Chenle. He walks up and holds him close, Jeno's arms wrap around his middle as tightly as possible.
"Shh, no. You aren't weak. I miss him too. He would have been there with us today if he was here." Jeno doesn't want to let go. He needs something, someone to keep him grounded.
"Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." Renjun smiles and pecks his cheek.
"Of course I will. Let me get my things."

He goes to his room and grabs his pajamas and his charger then makes his way back. Jeno is already curled up with his blanket wrapped around his head trying to smile.
"Thank you." He says just above a whisper.
"We will get through this together." Renjun says softly as he slips in beside him and is immediately swallowed up in Jeno's arms.
"Were you angry at me when you found out?" Jeno asks making Renjun frown.
"Never, i wasn't mad at anyone but Jaemin and the more I think about it the more I think maybe I was just mad about the fact that he didn't tell me." Jeno hums.

"So you aren't jealous that we kissed and touched each other too?" Jeno whispers. Renjun's face heats up as he shakes his head.
"No, what about you?" Jeno shakes his head.
"No, i am kind of the same. I'm not jealous, I can see why he fell for you, it's why we all fell for you." Renjun's face is on fire but it doesn't stop him from listening.
"You are cute and sweet, charming and sexy, and you care deeply. We all feel that way, he was just the one who acted on it." Renjun hums in thought.
"So would you have? Acted on it I mean." He asks with an eternal blush.
"I don't know if I would have been brave enough." Renjun hums again.

"How did it happen? Like how did you two start seeing each other?" Jeno thinks back fondly to that day.
"We were here alone. He was cooking for me like he always does, did. We were talking about our trainee days and how we have always been so close. We were laughing and just reminiscing our past and we had a moment. You know like in the movies? I surprised myself and actually kissed him first. It was beautiful. I confessed then, and told him how much I love him and he said he's always loved me too. He said he doesn't always see the things that are right in front of him." Jeno squeezes Renjun.
"Thank you for staying with me. Even though him and I didn't get to sleep together every night, he was usually there when I needed him." Renjun nods and wipes his tears.

"Have any of you called him? It's been two months, Do we know how he's doing?" Taeyong asks Mark and Haechan while working on a 127 photo shoot. Haechan shakes his head guilty, but Mark just gets angry.
"Why should we? He was cheating on all of us." He says petulantly.
"Bullshit. He was completely head over heels for all of you. He did everything for you guys. He was always bending over backwards to see that he could be at almost all of your events. Besides did he ever ask any of you to be his boyfriend? As far as I'm concerned it was dating and unless you make a commitment, you can date whomever, whenever you want. I get that your feelings are valid but you need to talk about this, not just with each other but with him. Now grow the fuck up and check on him. I don't want him getting hurt." Both Haechan and Mark have never seen Taeyong get this angry about anything.

When Jaemin's phone lights up for the fourth time on his childhood kitchen counter his mother takes it upon herself to answer it.
"Hello?" Mark nervously says hi.
"Oh, hi. Jaemin is showering. He just got off work." There is a collective frown amongst the group.
"Work? Where?" Haechan asks.
"Even though he doesn't have to, he's been working at the neighboring farm. I think he's just too sad to sit and let his mind wander." She clears her throat nervously.
"Jaemin baby, hurry up please."
She hollars before going back to the FaceTime call.
"So, how have you been?" She asks softly.
"I used to hear regular updates on all of your activities. Jaemin would tell me about all of your music and photo shoots and how beautiful you are and how well you all did." She stops talking when she hears footsteps.

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