One night (Jaewoo)

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When Jaehyun arrives at work, he's already wishing it was time to leave. He can tell it's going to be a long day when he walks into his office to a giant stack of papers. He groans as he turns back out to go to the break room to refill his coffee cup.
"Goddamnit!" He says when he picks up the empty pot.
"If you take the last of the fucking coffee, the least you could do is make another pot." He grumbles as he digs around for more coffee grounds.
"Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry. I emptied it." Jaehyun turns around with a frown and stares at who he assumes is a new employee.
"We ran out so I went to the storage room for more. I'm sorry if I took too long." Jaehyun shakes his head.
"Go faster next time." He says as he slams his cup down and walks out.

He sits at his desk and sighs, running his hands over his face. He's been so stressed lately and he feels bad for taking it out on a complete stranger, he sighs as he decides he should go apologize.
He walks out of his office reading one of the papers he needs to copy, his mind still swirling and the stress still eating him alive. As he rounds the corner he slams hard into something and just when he looks up to see what it is, the burning sensation hits his hand.
"Fuck! Watch where you're going." He yells as he shakes his hand to get the coffee off.
He finally looks down and sees the guy from the break room on the floor holding his cup.
"I'm sorry. I was going to bring you some coffee, since you didn't get any and I." He winces a little as he tries to sit up more and only then does Jaehyun notice his shirt is full of the hot liquid.
Finally something snaps in his brain and his expression softens.
"I'm sorry, let me help you." He takes the cup from his hand and holds his other hand out. He takes it and is pulled up quickly. He holds his shirt off his chest even though, by now it has cooled the shirt rubbing his skin is irritating. Jaehyun grabs his hand and pulls him toward the bathroom.

He undoes the persons tie and starts to unbutton his shirt.
"Considering we don't even know each others names I think this is a bit fast. I mean, yeah I'm hot, I get it, but undressing me in the employee bathroom is just a bit too much." Jaehyun pauses as he tries but fails at holding in his laughter. When he finally calms, he looks up to the other's smiling face.
"Jaehyun, now let's get you naked." He says with a smirk. He continues unbuttoning his shirt and slides it back off his shoulders.
He gently runs his fingertips across the pink colored flesh earning a hiss from the other.
"Jungwoo, that's uh, I'm Jungwoo." He says trying to disguise the fact that he's getting chills from his touch. Jaehyun smiles showing the sexiest dimples Jungwoo has ever seen.
"Fuck, ok, what exactly are you doing?" Jaehyun pauses and smirks.
"Well, now I'm putting cream on your burn." Jungwoo is surprised when he sees a tube of cream in one hand. He had no idea he even grabbed one.
"Ok but why? Like I could do it?" Jaehyun smirks again.
"Well, for one I feel incredibly guilty for the way I treated you earlier and for burning you. Also I'm the head of the safety committee so it's my job to ensure it gets done right." Jungwoo nods.
It's my fault for the spill though, I was looking in all the little windows trying to find your office."

"Well, I guess we can both take some blame then since I was reading my paper. Do you have any extra clothes in your office?" Jungwoo shakes his head.
"No, I guess I should from now on." He sighs and looks at his wet, stained shirt at his side.
"It's ok. Hold on." Jaehyun takes off his jacket and tie before unbuttoning his shirt. Jungwoo's eyes grow large.
"What are you?" Jaehyun chuckles. He slips the button up shirt over his shoulders and hands him his jacket.
"What will you do? You can't just wear a t shirt?" He asks, thankful he had a t shirt under his other or this could have gotten ten times more awkward.
"I've got a spare in my office. You can just bring me these tomorrow." Jungwoo smiles appreciatively.
"Thank you, but you know? It isn't fair that you got to see me half naked and I didn't get to see you." Jungwoo says. His cheeks heat up instantly at the realization and with the sexy smirk on the other's face.
"Well, maybe you could return my shirt tonight? Bring it to my place and I'll show you anything you want to see." Flustered doesn't even begin to describe Jungwoo at the moment and he could never tell you
Where his boldness is coming from.
"Well, I guess you better give me your address then?" He says tracing his finger on Jaehyun's clothed chest.

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