I love you really (MarkHyuck)

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It's been a long day of practice, even more so for Mark because it's one that's not being filmed and Haechan is running around without his shirt. He's been having trouble keeping his eyes off of him, he always does in these situations.
"Why don't you two just fuck already?" Jaehyun asks as he sits on the couch next to him.
"What are you talking about?" Mark asks as his eyes still follow the other.
"It's so obvious you guys like each other, I would even dare to say you love him." Mark chokes.
"I love all of you, that doesn't mean anything. I certainly don't want to fuck you." Jaehyun laughs.
"Literally half of us are without shirts but it's him you can't stop watching." Mark sighs.
"I just, yeah, ok. He's beautiful, I wish he knew how beautiful he is." Jaehyun nudges his arm.
"Maybe you should tell him. Right before you fuck him senseless. The sexual tension with you two is killing all of us, just get it over with already and profess your love."
Mark sighs.
"You know it's not that easy." This makes Jaehyun roar with laughter.
"Do you know how long I've been with Taeyong?" Mark chokes again.
"You are not. Are you?" He smiles softly.
"Yeah, it happened about a year after we met here. The only reason you don't know is because we don't tell anyone. Look, fans thrive on skinship so the company just sees that when we are in public, I mean we keep it to a minimum but nobody needs to know that when I hold his hand it's because I want to and not for fans. The rest, we keep behind closed doors." Mark nudges his shoulder.
"It must be hard now with him gone." He nods.
"It is, we FaceTime whenever we get a chance but he doesn't have a lot of privacy either so it's hard to express how much I love and miss him without giving anything away. I plan to visit when I can but I'm looking forward to a two year dry spell in my sex life, but I'll get through. I love him and he's worth the wait. Don't waist anymore precious time Mark. Go get your man and hang on as long as you can." Mark nods.
"I'm scared though, what if he doesn't feel the same?" Jaehyun pats his thigh.
"He loves you, I'm sure of it and so is everyone else." He stands and offers him a hand.
"Take him out for dinner then go to his place and talk, trust me you will get the result you are longing for." Mark looks over to see him making cute faces in the mirror and smiles.

"Haechanie? Do you want to come and eat with me?" He asks when he sees him alone.
"Of course, where do you want to go?" Mark smiles.
"You pick, then I thought maybe we could go to your place and play games or something?" Haechan's jaw hits the floor.
"You want to play games with me? If I didn't know any better I'd say you are asking me on a date." He says with a small smirk. Mark looks away shyly.
"Would you say yes if it was?" He asks quietly. Haechan stills, he studies his face for any sign he is joking and sees only nervousness.
"Yes." He says softly.
"Good. Be ready by seven?" He nods with a shy smile of his own.

Mark wants to do this right. It's tricky because they are idols but he is determined to make this a proper date. He can't bring flowers so he had some delivered, he really hopes they got there before him.
When he gets to his door his nerves kick in, he holds his fist up then puts it back down. He turns and walks away. He gets all the way down to the lobby before he stops again. Thoughts in his head going crazy as he thinks about Haechan being sad about being stood up. He takes a deep breath and goes back up. This time, before he can even think about changing his mind, he knocks. He hears movement and has to hold himself in place so he doesn't run away.

When the door opens and he sees him there with a beautiful smile painted on his face, all his worries vanish.
"Hi." He says softly.
"Hi." Haechan says shyly in return.
"Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful." Mark looks down with a smile as his cheeks heat up.
"I wanted to bring them but I didn't want to get caught by fans." Haechan giggles.
"I know, it doesn't matter how they got here, I love them." Haechan gestures him inside.
"Come in, I'm having trouble deciding what to eat, I'm starving though." He says rubbing his tummy. Mark chuckles awkwardly.
"How about barbecue?" Haechan smiles.
"Yes, sounds good. Let me grab a beanie and a mask and we can go." Mark nods as he watches him get ready.
"Should we walk? There's a place just up the street?" Haechan suggests.
"That sounds nice." Mark says softly.

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