Soft (JungMark) mpreg

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This fic comes from me watching their relay cams again. I was inspired by their soft cuddles. (Watch it if you haven't.)

Jungwoo curls into his lovers side placing barely there kisses on the warm soft skin of his neck and face. He has one hand above his head while the other is softly laying on his hip. He continues to touch his lips to the warm skin until he can see him stir.
"Mm baby, what are you doing up so early?" He asks in a husky sleep filled voice.
"I woke up to use the bathroom and when I came back I noticed how sexy you were lying there, and I had to touch you. Sorry for waking you." He says, sounding almost sad.
"I'm glad you did baby, I love it when your lips are the first thing I feel in the morning." Mark says turning his sleepy eyes toward his boyfriend in the dimly lit room.
"I think we should stay in bed all day." Jungwoo says barely above a whisper as he leans over to kiss the other again.
"Ok." Mark agrees. He slowly and reluctantly gets out of bed to pee and brush his teeth and when he goes back he's happy to see the same sleepy atmosphere is lingering. He loves this, loves when Jungwoo is soft and clingy like this.
"Let me know when you are hungry, I'll order us something." Mark says as Jungwoo hums.
"I love you Mark. I hope you will always love me too?" He softly questions. Mark frowns a bit because he doesn't think he's ever given him reason to doubt but you never know, and sometimes he needs reassurance.
"Forever, and every day after that." He says earning a chuckle.
"You are my sweet, sweet love. I will always love you." He says softly. Jungwoo lays back into his side with his arm across Mark's tummy again.
"I like the way you smell." He says into his neck making Mark giggle.
"Why are you so cute today?" Marks asks now turning his head so he can press small kisses on him as well.
"I'm cute every day." Jungwoo says with a pout. Mark's smile stretches across his face.
"That you are baby." They lay in silence for quite a long time before the next words are spoken.
"Do you ever get sick of me being silly all the time?" He asks, and Mark just smiles softly.
"Baby you know I love to laugh and you bring that out in me all the time. It's one of your charms." Jungwoo hums and kisses Mark's lips softly.
"Ok, what do you love about me?" Mark chuckles.
"Let's see. Your absolute beauty. Of course you are the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on but also your heart. It is the most pure, beautiful, loving heart that has ever beaten in a human chest." Mark's smile grows as Jungwoo slaps his arm and cringes.
"That was way too cheesy but also really sweet." Mark gently pushes his shoulder back so he's lying on his back and kisses his lips. He playfully nibbles at them making Jungwoo yearn for more.
" Will you love me when I'm fat?" He asks as Mark is kissing his neck. He stops and playfully frowns.
"Baby, you know I will. Why are you asking all of these questions today? Is everything ok? Did I say something to ever make you doubt my love?" Jungwoo is shaking his head no as tears are racing down his cheeks. Mark's hand has found the edge of Jungwoo's hoody finally so he softly touches his skin, he knows Jungwoo is a sucker for skin to skin contact, it comforts him. He watches as Jungwoo takes a deep breath and wipes at his eyes.
"I'm pregnant." Mark's hand stills on his tummy as he looks in Jungwoo's eyes for any sign of this being a joke. He softly rubs his hand across his belly and feels the start of a little bump and his face practically splits, his smile is so big.
"Wait, my baby. My baby is growing inside your tummy? Right now? There is actually another human inside you right now?" Mark asks excitedly. Jungwoo giggles and wipes at his tears more as they still won't stop leaking. Mark gets to his knees and lifts his shirt, examining his belly making Jungwoo full on hysterical at the moment. He kisses the small bump and all around it before sitting back on his heels. He stares at Jungwoo, watching his beautiful face as he laughs happily.
"I don't know how this is possible but you are even more beautiful in this moment. My perfect, lovely, beautiful boyfriend is pregnant with our perfect, beautiful baby and I could not be happier. I love you so much Jungwoo." He says as he leans over him to softly kiss his lips. Jungwoo still hasn't stopped crying so Mark takes time to kiss his tears away.
"Are you happy baby? I guess I forgot to ask if this is something you want with me?" Jungwoo nods with a fresh set of tears.
"Yes, I'm so happy. The thought of having a little MarkWoo running around makes me so happy." He says watching Mark who still can't take his eyes off of him.
"Is it safe? I mean can I make love to the mother of my baby?" Jungwoo nods again with a small smile.
"My doctor says sex is perfectly safe, barring any complications of course but yeah, we are both really healthy." Mark kisses his lips, biting softly before slipping his tongue inside. He shows the utmost care, gentle kisses, soft touches and sweet words. He kisses his neck and chest then focuses on his belly once more before he goes down to pull his sweats off him.
"I love you baby, let me know if I hurt you ok?" He asks, still maintaining the quiet of the room.
He kisses him from his ankles up to his thighs, he takes his time on the spots he knows drives the other crazy. He lifts his legs and pays extra attention to his hole as he preps him with his tongue and fingers.
Jungwoo's back is arched as he is panting and moaning softly. He pulls Mark's hair and tugs him closer.
When Mark deems him ready, he gently pushes his knees up and of course asks if he is comfortable before he pushes in slowly. Jungwoo's eyes roll to the back of his head as he feels him bottom out.
"Oh. Mark, I love you." Jungwoo says, crying yet again.
"I love you baby, so pretty for me like this. So pretty today." He says as he slowly pushes in and out trying to make this last for both of them. He leans forward and kisses him deeply when he feels him start to squeeze his dick.
"I'm gonna cum, it's so good, I'm, I'm going to cum now." He rushes out.
"It's ok baby, cum for me." Mark says and watches how it covers his moist skin. Mark isn't far behind, he slams a little harder, and sloppier as he chases his own release. He fills him up as he leaves kisses all over his skin where he can reach anyway.
As they lay there, back in their sleepy calm bed, ready to fall into a peaceful nap Mark speaks softly.
"You make me the happiest I've ever been in my life Jungwoo, never doubt that. I will always love you and I already love the little bean in your belly and I always will."
They finished their day just the way they started except with Mark doting over his every need and stuffing his tummy full of food.

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