The sinking ship (norenmin) Pt1

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After the V live ended with all 7 members of dream they were all relieved to go back to the dorm to rest. Chenle went to his house to spend time with Daegal and Mark and Haechan went to the 127 dorm.
Jeno was smiling and laughing with Jisung while Renjun was busy on the phone with Kun. It was a normal time for all of them except Jaemin. Everyone noticed but nobody wanted to say anything. He was angry, unapproachable and snappy. Even Jeno who had been his best friend since they've been here is afraid to ask.
He walks in and slams his door shut. The others flinch at his aggressiveness and go to their own rooms. Renjun is roommates with Jisung so they go together.
"Why is he so mad?" Jisung asks with big eyes. Renjun sighs sadly.
"I don't know, but I wish he would be happy." He pouts.
"I love him, it hurts that he's so angry and won't talk to anyone, not even Jeno and they are best friends. Ugh I love him too, I hope he's not sad." Jisung laughs.
"You guys are funny. Just go hang out with Jeno and make him feel better." Renjun pouts.
"What about you?" Jisung waves him off.
"I'm fine I was going to FaceTime my mom anyway." It's settled then, Renjun is going to visit Jeno.
He knocks and receives a quiet "come in". Renjun goes and lays on top of Jeno who's sprawled out on his stomach like a starfish.
"Do you know why Nana is so upset?" Jeno shakes his head and continues to stare at the wall.
"It happened while he was reading comments on his phone, he got really quiet, but I didn't see any bad comments at all." Jeno sighs.
"Get up, I want to lay on my back." Renjun doesn't move.
"I don't want to." He says chuckling.
"Fine then." Jeno says before rolling onto his back trapping Renjun under him, squishing him in the process. It doesn't take long for Renjun to get his revenge and start tickling Jeno. He squirms and wiggles off, continuing to laugh as Renjun straddles his waist thinking he has the upper hand and yes just like any cliche love story they got lost in each other's eyes. Their laughter dies down as Renjun gently swipes the hair out of Jeno's eyes. Jeno gulps watching Renjun move closer, waiting to see if part of his dream will come true.
When Renjun stops midway Jeno decides he's waited long enough and gently pulls him down to his level and softly connects their lips. It's magical, just as they both suspected it would be. The kiss deepens as they roll again, this time Jeno on top. When they finally break apart both have what could be considered silly smiles on their faces.
"So it's true? What the fans say? You love me?" Renjun asks a smiling Jeno who just nods and kisses him again, at least until he decides he better share all of his feelings.
"But you need to know that it's also true that I love Jaemin, so I'm not sure how you'll feel about that but..." He is silenced with a kiss.
"Me too! I don't know how the fans guessed it before us but I love you both so much." They kiss again and don't realize that in that moment Jaemin opens Jeno's door to see them making out.
He doesn't know what to feel, so he quietly shuts the door and goes back to his room.
He can't get the image out of his head and it is killing him. The more he thinks about it the angrier he gets.

"Junie, I think we should go talk to him, find out why he's so angry and maybe make him feel better?" Renjun nods and gives him one more peck on the lips for good measure.
"Should we tell him?" He asks excitedly.
"I don't know, maybe. I'm honestly scared to, if he rejects us it would hurt." Renjun nods sadly. The thought of it is unsettling, but the fans were right about them so maybe they will be right about Jaemin too.

Jaemin finally lets them in after they knocked for too long in their opinions.
He's sitting in the dark with tears streaming down his face but they can't really see that.
"Jaem, we want to talk. Like help you feel better so you should tell us what's wrong." Renjun says sweetly grabbing his hand only for him to flinch away.
"I don't want to talk about it." He snaps. Jeno rubs Renjun's arm in comfort before trying.
"We just want to cheer you up, come on don't be such a crab." Jeno says cutely.
"Just get the fuck out, both of you." He says gritting his teeth. Both are quite shocked at his anger but when he speaks the next words it's like a punch in the stomach.
"I'm so sick of the fans shipping me with you two, it's disgusting, even if I was gay I wouldn't be in to either of you." Renjun covers his mouth in shock as Jeno  fires back.
"There was no reason to insult us especially Renjun, I don't know what happened to you but you are not the same person I met almost eight years ago." He grabs Renjun's hand and calmly walks out with him.

That night Renjun stayed in Jeno's bed crying his eyes out while Jeno tried to stay strong for the both of them.
The days following turned into weeks of Jaemin being constantly angry and the other two sad but not as sad as they would be if they didn't have each other. They are sticking by each other's sides and everyone notices, especially Jaemin.
Finally Jisung has had enough and goes barging into Jaemin's room.
"Oh hey Jisungie." Jaemin says cutely.
"Don't act cute with me, what the fuck is your problem? Why are you being such an asshole to those two?" Jaemin is shocked at Jisung swearing, it takes a lot to get fuck to come out of his mouth. He looks down sadly.
"I don't know, at first it was because I kept reading fan comments about Norenmin and it irritated me because I want it to be true, like I want that so bad but then I walked in on Renjun and Jeno kissing one night and now I'm jealous." Jisung rolls his eyes as Jaemin pouts.
"Your an idiot, if you love them you shouldn't be mean to them. Besides they love you, but you are being such a dick that they can't even tell you." Jaemin looks away from Jisung and mumbles out how he told them they were disgusting.
"What the fuck? That has to have been the stupidest, meanest and most careless thing you could have done." Jaemin cries, something he's been doing a lot of lately.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it at all, I just thought they moved forward without me and it hurt." Jisung hugs him softly.
"Tell them, not me. Just do me a favor and keep the makeup sex down, would you?" This earns him a slap on the arm.

Jaemin timidly walks to Jeno's door and raises his fist only to bring it back down again. He's terrified, he knows what he said was mean and horrible so he's sure they won't forgive him. He finally gets enough courage to knock softly, earning a soft come in from Renjun.
"Hey, is Jeno around?" He asks quietly as he doesn't see him anywhere.
"He's in the shower, he should be out soon." The awkward tension that Jaemin knows he created himself is killing him.
"I uh I need to talk to him, to you, both of you." He awkwardly spits out just as Jeno walks in wrapped in only a towel. Jaemin shrinks in on himself, realizing that They have probably seen each other, and touched each other completely naked before and he doesn't even deserve to be in the same room as them. He doesn't even realize how much he is crying until the sob escapes him and he's gasping for air. He has their complete attention now because as much as he hurt them they both still really love him. He drops to his knees in front of them and Renjun starts to reach for him but Jeno stops him and holds his hand in his own.
"I'm sorry. I know it probably doesn't mean much at this point. What I said was awful. Being shipped with you two is not disgusting, in fact I was always honored to be paired with such amazing people, I always wanted for it to be true but that night.
That night I was extra sad because all of my fantasies about us actually being together never would come true and then when I came here to talk to you, Jeno, and hopefully tell you and then Renjun exactly how I felt, you were laying on top of Renjun and you two were kissing." Renjun gasps and Jeno frowns thinking back on that night.
"Then I was sad and jealous and I got angrier and I didn't know how to handle myself, my emotions. Each day I got angrier at myself for allowing you guys to slip away because even if you only love each other I want to be your friend but I don't deserve you." He stands and stumbles to the door while the other two are completely silent.
"I will understand if you can't forgive me. I don't." He walks out feeling just as bad as he did walking in. He knew all along the possibility of them not forgiving him was big, but he still hoped. He also understands that even if they do, it won't be instant, but he still hoped. He made his way to the only person who could be there for him in this situation.

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