Dirty mouth (JohnTen)

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Ok, so a little insight into how my Mind works. I had heard a bit of that song by one direction. Best song ever. The words dirty mouth stuck with me and I thought that is a good concept for a story. Then a few days later Ten drops his solo and Fuck, I couldn't help but make him the main character.
Anyway, not much sweetness here...
⚠️ language and also I'm sorry if you are a religious person, you may not like it then. 🤷🏼‍♀️

When Ten walks into the church the whole congregation turns. Everyone knows of his reputation, some even think he is the devil reincarnated, or at the very least, a close relative.
Ten moved to this town a few months ago from the city. In some ways he lives up to his reputation but no one understands his motives, no one will ever know the real Person behind the talk.
He sits toward the back, his pew empty. It will stay that way too as even when some teenage girls, unaware of his presence tried to sit on the end, their parents made quite a scene getting them to move. Little do their parents know that the whole reason the teens in this town come to this church is not to be saved by the lord but to gaze upon the young pastor who has recently taken the job. Ten chuckles as he watches them whisper yell to get away from the devil himself. This is the first time Ten has attended this church. He has no interest in religion whatsoever but it is the only thing other than himself that gets talked about in this stupid little town.
As he sits and waits he watches the old people discussing how lovely the pastor is and that he will make a fine husband to one of the lovely girls in town. Ten scoffs under his breath. Of course it's always about the straight agenda. Why is it? In the church you are only considered good if you are straight? Sure some people pretend to be ally's of LGBTQ, to your face but as soon as your back is turned they turn on you.
He plays with the hem of his little black jacket, his tummy poking out the bottom just enough to tease any interested on lookers and he chuckles as he watches the thirsty old men sitting next to their uptight, perfect Christian wives and have been eyeballing him the whole time. He catches the eye of one man he's seen around town, his name is Taeil. He owns a local cafe. He's fairly young but he is considered an old soul. He's married with two children, pretending to be happy for the sake of everyone but himself but Ten knows. He's seen him drooling over him on countless occasions and he knows all it would take is for him to drop to his knees in front of this man and he would be putty. He would never do that to a family man with kids, not on purpose anyway. He's had a few run ins with married men in the past, but they really aren't his cup of tea.

After getting to the point of complete boredom and very close to walking out, the congregation rises. Now it's time, he thinks. He slowly stands and watches as pastor Johnny Suh makes his appearance. The young girls in the crowd sigh and drool over him, so do some of the boys but that's a secret, he won't tell. He smirks and looks up just in time to be met with the eyes of the pastor. They are intense but unreadable, he holds contact and licks his lips sensually but the man is stone cold, doesn't flinch. Ten smirks again and is quite surprised when he gets one in return from the man at the podium. Now he's even more intrigued, he is hot, the towns people at least got that right.
He sits along with everyone else and has to mentally prepare himself to suffer through the long sermon. The only thing keeping him from walking out is the occasional look from the pastor, still unreadable but very interesting. At one point about half way through he can't even hear the words anymore. He can still hear his deep sexy voice but the words all mash together to sound like a foreign language.
Finally when it ends he waits, he sits through all the people going up and greeting pastor Suh and not so subtly pushing their offspring at him. He waits as the congregation clears out and finally the Johnny Suh walks to the side of his pew and clears his throat.
"Can i help you?" He asks in his best pastor voice. Ten slowly turns his head and stares him down as he speaks slowly.
"I just want to talk, I hear you are the man to come to?" He questions. Johnny smiles warmly.
"Of course, follow me." He says walking away. Ten walks behind him taking in the scenes of the church that in his eyes are vulgar, a man bleeding from a cross and this very symbol is what's used to worship him. He doesn't get it but he's never really tried. Why do we glorify this violence even to young children? He supposes it makes sense in a religious concept but not to him. They make their way back behind the stage in which the pastor and small choir stand on every Sunday, down a dark hallway into his office.
"Wow, I would think that you would have a bigger office, being the celebrity you are?" He questions sarcastically.
"It isn't about material things." Johnny says softly watching as Ten unbuttons his jacket with nothing underneath. His face still remains stone cold.
"Your reputation precedes you." Johnny says.
"Oh? Which one? That I'm the devil? That's a good one. Or is it just the usual slutty rumors? Husband stealing faggot rumors?" Johnny tuts.
"I hear you have a dirty mouth." Ten laughs, full on laughs.
"Now that, is true." He says with his laugh finally fading.
"Oh yeah? How so?" Johnny asks and if Ten didn't know any better he believes this is a challenge and he will accept. He slowly stands and walks toward him, he leans forward and puts his hands on the arms of his his old office chair and leans in and kisses his neck, just below his ear earning a hiss. He pulls at his tie to loosen it and slips it over his head, he unbuttons his shirt at an agonizingly slow pace, all while keeping eye contact. When he finally gets it open he pushes it off his shoulders and finally looks him over, liking what he sees.
"Mm, yes I see why all the little girls in this town want you." He says watching Johnny chuckle. He drops to his knees and kisses his chest, he nips and sucks little hickeys onto him. He expertly sucks his nipples into his mouth getting a response from the bigger male. It wasn't much, just a small groan but it's enough to keep the other going. He licks into his belly button as his fingers expertly unbuckle his belt and pants. He doesn't expect the pastor to be so compliant so when he lifts his hips to help him get his pants down he is quite surprised. He touches his massive cock with his fingers softly making him hiss but he keeps quiet otherwise.
Ten kisses his tip teasingly and kitten licks around the head as the pre cum starts to drip.
"Mm, you taste good too." He says just before diving down and swallowing him whole. This of course gets a bigger, louder response. Johnny lets out a guttural moan. Since he started school to be a pastor he hasn't had any sexual activity. He hasn't even touched himself as he was taught to suppress his desires for the sake of the lord.
"Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, yes." He chants as he feels his cock bouncing off the back of the other's throat. He watches the entire thing. He can't take his eyes off this unholy, sexy human practically eating his fleshy rod. He feels his release a lot sooner than he wants to and tries to hold back but Ten can feel him pulsing in his mouth and knows he's close, he's not too worried, he will have him hard again in no time. The pastor finally releases his grips on the arms of his chair and opts for the sinners hair instead.
"Oh fff,"
He holds off the foul language for now, trying to remember who he is. It's not long though until he can't hold it anymore and explodes in his mouth. He watches as he swallows all of it except for a little that remains on his lips as he pulls away.
"Fuck, fuck that was too hot." He bends down and takes what's left of himself back as he licks hotly into the other's mouth. Both moaning into it.
He grabs him by the hips and drags him up and lays him back on his desk. He starts undressing him quickly, wanting, no needing more. He licks his way down his skin and sucks his nipples into his mouth making Ten moan and buck his hips.
"Take off your clothes now." Johnny says as he slips his pants the rest of the way off. He presses himself hard into the little demon splayed across his desk. His dick poking his crack as they kiss intensely.
"It's been a while pastor John, you have to finger me open." Ten says, voice ragged. Johnny wastes no time lifting his legs to gain better access. He pushes his knees up and stares at his beautiful fluttering hole that is waiting for his massive cock. He can't help himself when he dives down and licks a fat stripe, eliciting a deep moan from the other. He makes great use of his tongue as he pushes it in to his tight ring along side his long finger. Soon enough he adds a second then a third, Ten Is coming undone just with his fingers. He never knew this pastor would be an expert.
When Johnny feels he's just open enough he leans into him, pushing the head through then stopping to kiss the other with a suppressed passion he didn't know he had.
"Now who has a dirty mouth?" Ten asks earning a slight chuckle just before Johnny rips him open and slams in.
"Oh god, yes. Fuck me." Ten shouts out.
"Harder, oh god." He shouts as his fingers tangle through the pastors hair. He tugs making him moan as he finds his neck and sucks a mark into it all while pummeling his prostate making his screams louder and sexier.
"Fuck, Ten where have you been all my life?" Johnny asks. Ten pulls his hair hard enough to move his head back so he can look in his eyes.
"I was worth the wait." He says with a smirk, Johnny matches it and thrusts his hips forward making him slack jawed.
"That you were." He says before sloppily pounding in. He watches as Ten paints his own stomach and chest just before he milks him dry and he paints his walls. He pants and looks over the sweaty, cum covered body of the town sinner and smiles before leaning down and licking every last drop off his beautiful body. He lays almost completely on top of him, kissing him lazily.
"I can't ever do another sermon in this church again." Johnny says surprising the other.
"Why? Is sex really that sinful?" Johnny chuckles again.
"Well, we aren't married and while some religions are accepting to gay relations this one is only superficially but most importantly..." He says directing Ten's gaze to a monitor next to them, security he supposes. It's a camera situated in the from the stage looking out into the almost empty pews. He can see a few angry faces discussing something they can't hear and still doesn't understand until Johnny points to the intercom button that they accidentally switched on at some point.
"Oh. I guess this devil is dragging you into hell?" Ten questions.
"I'm happy to follow." Johnny says as he helps him to get up. They both retrieve their clothes and get dressed quickly and exit out the back door. Their clothes are disheveled and they are laughing like children and Johnny thinks he hasn't been this happy in years.

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