Disturbed (Markno)

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So this is my first time ever thinking of Mark as a bottom. I hope it goes well...
I was inspired for this story by the picture above that Mark took of Jeno.
Also the picture below is how they both look in this story.
Also, smut.

"I don't care Haechan

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"I don't care Haechan. I'm sick of always having to practice in the basement. I want some natural light while I dance." Mark says with a pout.
"Your gay is showing." Haechan says, laughing when he starts to get angry.
"I'm going in. You can't stop me, besides all he does is sleep. I shouldn't have to wait for him to nap. He can go somewhere else." Mark says as he opens the dance room in question.
"It's your funeral." Haechan says backing away quickly. Mark is what some would consider a nerdy guy. He is cute, smart, maybe not so much in this situation.
He's sweating bullets as he pushes the door open, he's always liked this dance room the best in the college arts building but it's always taken. The worst part is, when he gets done with his classes and comes to practice there, it  is always him. He's always in there but he's always sleeping at this time. He tries to be quiet but he doesn't know why, it's inevitable that he will wake him up. He gingerly walks over and sets his bag down. He slides his sweat pants down his hips so he is left in his legging's. He turns on his soft playlist as he starts stretching. He lifts his leg on the bar and leans into it. He repeats this a few times for each leg before moving to the floor.
After he finishes his stretching he looks carefully to the sleeping giant on the floor before he turns on his song that he is working on for finals. Each person in dance has to perform a solo or duet interpretive piece. Of course he's nervous that he is doing a solo but he couldn't find a partner so here he is. He's been in dance since he was a child so he has skills, although most people at this point in their lives do too. It's a competitive world and he knows the chances of him doing this professionally are slim so he studies just as hard in his other classes.
He works tirelessly, he is so in tune with the song that even though he can't get this one part perfect, he's seemingly forgotten about the man on the floor. He served as quite a distraction before so this is good. He does the part over and over. He can see it in his mind and feel it when he moves but it doesn't look the same in the mirror. He's exhausted and angry and can't hold back his angry tears. He drops to the floor in a heap and sighs. He whispers a few curse words and punches the hard floor once before recoiling, and now he cries from pain too.
"You are very talented, why are you crying?" His heart almost stops at the sound of the deep, sexy, sleep filled voice behind him. He doesn't look up, he takes a few deep breaths and readies himself to be yelled at for waking him.
"Thank you. B-but you only seen my failures, I can't get the ending the way I want it." He looks over when he hears him chuckle to see he's still laying in the same position facing the mirror.
"I'm not that light of a sleeper, I watched the whole thing, starting with you taking off your sweat pants." Mark's face heats up and he covers it with his hands. He hears rustling behind him but refuses to look up. He feels his presence as he sits cross legged in front of him.
"Look at me." He says simply. Mark can't help but do what he is told. He slowly lifts his head to see messy black hair, a mask still drawn up over his nose and mouth, but the thing that warms him the most is the soft smiling eyes.
"You dance beautifully, almost perfect. What's the problem?" He asks softly. Mark picks at his pant leg and stares at the floor.
"This isn't my first choice of dance, you know. I have to take it as part of the course and of course I picked it up pretty easily but I just don't feel that confident in it and for some reason it always effects me at the end. The other sighs and stands, he holds his hand out for Mark who shyly takes it and stands as well.
"Show me." Mark's face heats up again.
"I can't." The masked man chuckles again giving Mark chills.
"It's just us. You will have to perform in front of a lot more people soon." Mark finally agrees and starts his music from the beginning. He doesn't focus on the stranger watching his every move and just feels the music. He does it perfectly just as before but the very end still bothers him.
"What's your name?" Mark asks winded.
"I'm Mark by the way." The other looks at him funny.
"You don't know who I am?" He asks genuinely surprised. Mark slowly shakes his head trying to remember if his friends have ever said anything about who he is.
"I'm sorry, no. I was told from very early on that you had dibs on this room and to not disturb you so I left it alone. I guess I never cared to know." He shrugs watching the stranger raise his brow.
"You never cared to know? Wow I'm hurt. But what made you decide to disturb me today?" He asks while crossing his arms and leaning on the wall. Mark swallows the lump in his throat.
"W-well, uh. I just got tired of always having to practice in the basement. I like this room with the natural light. I'm sorry, for disturbing you though, and I won't do it again." He looks down ashamed and even if he was looking up he couldn't see the fond smile on the others face underneath his mask.
"I tell you what Mark. If you keep this our little secret? I'll let you come in every day, I'll even help you if you want me to?" Mark looks up with what the other could only describe as childlike enthusiasm, he was whipped already.
"Do I get to know who you are?" Mark asks quietly. The other slowly takes his mask off and allows him to see his face.
"I'm Jeno." Mark is almost speechless as he takes him in. His beauty is overwhelming. If his arms only show a small portion of how fit he actually is, he can't imagine what he looks like under his clothes. He coughs and shakes his head. He shouldn't even be thinking these things.
"H-hi, J-Jeno, I'm Mark." Jeno laughs showing his beautiful crescent eyes again and Mark can't breath.
"You said that already, let's practice, shall we?" Jeno asks as Mark just nods.
Once he figures out just what Mark is trying to achieve he is able to help him try to execute it. When Mark stops frustrated, he shushes him and holds his waist in place. Mark again is finding breathing difficult and wonders if he actually needs it to survive while Jeno really likes holding his small waist. He pulls him back against him.
"Perfectly straight here, pull your belly button into your back bone." Mark tries but just can't get it so Jeno's hand slides around and flattens on his tummy, he gently pulls him back and holds him in place. Mark can feel his hot breath on his neck as he explains things and almost jumps away but he manages to pull himself together. He tries again and again and improves every time.
"I should go now, I have to study." Mark says softly.
"Will you be back tomorrow?" Jeno asks as he watches him put his sweats back on.
"Yeah, if it's ok?" Jeno smiles and nods before waving goodbye and walking out.
This goes on for another two weeks before things start to get out of control. Mark is finding Jeno to be more and more hands on as he helps and he doesn't have the heart to tell him he got the move right at home a week and a half ago.
When he walks in he's quite disappointed that Jeno isn't here. He was always here, he realizes quickly that he misses him. He sighs and sets his bag on the side and takes his sweats off again. He does his usual stretching routine and starts to dance soon after, he's so into it now he doesn't hear Jeno sneak in. He doesn't see him walk up behind him. It isn't until he stops on his finishing move that he feels Jeno's hands on his waist.
"Shit." He says breathless.
"I see you've gotten it down." Jeno says in a low tone.
Mark nods and looks down ashamed.
"I'm sorry, I've been able to do it for a long time now." Jeno smirks but Mark is still not looking.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks already knowing the answer. Mark can feel himself start to shake, his face is burning and he's starting to cry.
"B-because, I like it when you touch me." He whispers, now waiting for the beating he's sure to get. He feels Jeno tighten his grip on his waist.
"You like this?" He asks squeezing tighter. Mark nods yes.
"Tell me, tell me what you like Mark." He starts to shake more in Jeno's hands.
"I like you. I like when you touch me and I want you to do it more. I'm sorry." Jeno is a little surprised, he wasn't expecting a full confession but he'll take it. He wraps his arm around him so he's holding his belly again and pulls him close. He kisses the side of his neck earning a shudder and surprised gasp.
"I like touching you too Mark." He turns him in his arms and makes him raise his head with just the tip of his finger.
"Tell me what you want, anything, I'll give it to you." He says looking in his eyes. Without losing eye contact Mark wills himself to reply in a whisper.
"I want you to kiss me, touch me and, and..." he pauses and starts to look away so Jeno uses his finger to direct his gaze again.
"And what Mark? Tell me anything you want?" He says softly.
"I want you to make love to me, right here." Jeno wastes no time capturing his lips in a slow sensual kiss. He backs Mark against the wall as he keeps their lips pressed together. His hands slip down his sides until he cups his butt in his hands. He moans as he finally gets to touch him wherever he wants. This is something he's been waiting for since he first watched him stretching. He pauses long enough to help Mark out of his baggy t shirt. He sees that he's embarrassed so he moves in right away, kissing and sucking marks on his neck and chest. Mark stops him only to help him out of his shirt and when he sees what is on display he's in awe, almost forgetting that he can touch. He slowly reaches his fingers up and traces his muscles on his stomach while Jeno stands still sans the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He leans forward placing soft teasing kisses on his chest, his nipples and stomach. He finally looks up into Jeno's eyes and sees his intense stare before he softly claims his lips. Mark stops him after a few intense seconds and drops to his knees. He's been literally dreaming about this as he slides the other's pants off his hips and gulps at the size as he traces the outline in his boxers. He looks up so innocently from his position that Jeno is almost considering not wrecking the poor guy, almost. He takes the initiative to pull himself out of his shorts since Mark still hasn't broken his stare and touches it softly to Mark's lip, effectively breaking the trance. Mark licks his lips as he stares at the beautiful appendage in his face before holding it in his own hand and placing kitten licks all over. He can see that Jeno is affected so he flattens his tongue and licks from base to tip before wrapping his lips around it and taking in all that he can. He sucks and slurps until his throat is raw and when he finally backs away Jeno is quick to go to the closet on the opposite wall. Mark watches on as he brings out a blanket and lays it on the floor. He motions for Mark to come over and has him lay so that when he looks to his sides he can see them in both mirrors. He lays down and watches as Jeno grabs the waist of his leggings and pause.
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" Mark nods profusely and squeaks out a yes. Jeno pulls his leggings and sees he's not wearing underwear so he raises a brow at the other.
"I don't wear them with leggings." This makes Jeno twitch knowing all this time he's wanted to touch his plump little butt that he wasn't even wearing underwear. Once he gets them off he kisses his ankle on one leg and works his way to his thigh then to his pink throbbing Dick. He licks and sucks before lifting his legs and diving in to his pink little hole. He uses his tongue at first, watching Mark cum with just that, he is impossibly harder now. He jabs his fingers in and it's beautiful torture for the smaller of the two. He is over sensitive but needy all at once. Jeno finally gets to his knees and touches his tip to the eager pulsating hole in front of him and gives Mark one more chance to back out before he slams into him. Mark wails and clutches his biceps until the pain subsides, then Jeno starts to slowly move in and out at a pace that allows him to feel his hot walls squeezing him in all the right places. When he finally feels his own orgasm coming his thrusts are sloppy, Mark has lost all abilities to speak. His only form of communication at the moment are his hands that are still squeezing the other's biceps.
"Mark, my beautiful baby." This makes Mark freeze as he looks for the meaning behind it, he doesn't have to wait long before Jeno leans down and encapsulates his mouth in a passion filled kiss.
"You're mine, only mine." He says dominantly as Mark nods quickly.
"Yours." He manages out. This spurs the other on as he slams in recklessly until his release is eminent. He quickly pulls out and collapses onto Mark as he spills all over him. His breathing is ragged as he tries to roll off so he doesn't squish the other but he feels his arms wrap around his middle.
"Did you mean it?" Mark whispers.
"Can I be yours?" He asks trying not to let his hopefulness show too much. Jeno gets to his elbows and captures his lips again.
"Please." He says finally making Mark the happiest he's ever been.
"Only if you tell me who you are." Jeno looks at him slack jawed.
"You really care so little about me that you didn't try to find out?" Mark shakes his head with a smile and reaches up to stroke his face.
"I know enough." He says with a giggle.
"You are the grandson of the owner of this school and everyone thinks you are here solely for that reason. I happen to know that you are a hard working dancer and one of the best. You practice all day because they want you to be a teacher here, so other than the basics this is all you do." Jeno looks impressed.
"You really did your homework, but you never changed your thoughts on me?" He asks softly. Mark kisses his nose.
"You've always treated me kindly and you helped me master the end of my choreography. You are smart and talented and I think you will make an amazing teacher here if that's what you want to do." Jeno smiles widely and kisses his lips.
"I'm glad you're mine, but People might say bad things about you, that you are only with me to better your grades and shit." He pauses with a playful frown.
"You're not, right?" He asks with a small smile. Mark matches his glow and smiles as well.
"I'm here for you, I can't wait to get to know you more, but first I think we should clean up and probably sneak this blanket into the laundry." Jeno chuckles and kisses him a few more times.
"I'm so happy you disturbed me that day." He says before placing another soft kiss to his lips.

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