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Chapter 2506: Just a chess piece!

Over the years, Lan Qingyan had always known that Lan Jingkuang suppressed the existence of other outstanding children in the family to help her stabilize her position.

However, more of her thought was because of her own strength, so all the elders supported her.

After all, she is the owner of the colorful god orb.

Everyone who owns the colorful divine beads has a pivotal position in the Lan family. It is precisely because of this that she has never paid attention to it.

What's more, her performance in the family is really good normally, so Lan Jingkuang never told her about it.

Until now, after listening to Lan Jingkuang's mad rebuke, she realized that she had always felt too good about herself all these years.

The atmosphere solidified at this moment, and Lan Qingyan's gaze toward Lan Jingkuang was also full of fear.

Once Lan Jingkuang started a fire, it was extremely terrifying.

Even though Lan Qingyan is so arrogant normally, she dared not be a little bit presumptuous when facing Lan Jingkuang.

Just from what Lan Jingkuang did to Lan Yunxiao, it could be seen that Lan Jingkuang was definitely not a good crop, on the contrary, he was very scary.

Yue Manlan also stood outside the house not daring to move. Over the years, her status had been in jeopardy, and she also knew that Lan Jingkuang didn't have her in his heart.

At the beginning, Lan Jingkuang was so kind to her that he wanted to marry her back, so he had more of a backer like the Yue family.

After this backing became stable, Lan Jingkuang became less and less concerned about her.

This was also the biggest pain in Yue Manlan's life.

She was too stupid before, thinking that Lan Jingkuang really liked her, and even thought that no one was happier than herself.

But in the end, she was just a pawn.

Now that Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing are dead, her as his chess piece no longer has its original role. If she is not careful, she may be abandoned at any time. This is something she absolutely cannot accept.

Lan Jingkuang looked at Lan Qingyan with gloomy eyes, "You'd better show me well during this period of time, and don't make any trouble!

You have to go to the Ouyang family and apologize. Not every time will someone else help you clean up the mess you broke out!"

The cold words do not contain any emotion, only endless coldness and commands.

Lan Jingkuang's deep, pitch-black eyes swept an extremely terrifying storm. The previous Lan Qingyan hadn't acted so recklessly as she did now, so he didn't say too much.

However, Lan Qingyan now feels too good about herself, as if everything is hers and can get away with anything. Now she can't run away anymore.

He knew very well that because of Lan Qingyan's character, many elders were a little worried.

Strength is certainly one of the reasons for becoming a Patriarch, but as a Patriarch, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This personality is also extremely important.

With Lan Qingyan's temperament, they're afraid that many things will not be handled well, which will cause more trouble to the Lan family.

It is precisely because of this that he has spent countless energy and thoughts over the years to eliminate these criticisms.

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