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Chapter 3371: What kind of magic was used?

This scene was obviously something that no one had ever thought of. It was just that when they were attacking, they were accidentally affected by other cultivators. Naturally, they couldn't avoid getting angry, and then those with a big temper would directly begin retaliating.

Unconsciously, some cultivators have already started fighting in their nests.

For this, everyone felt speechless for a while, but most of the cultivators' goals were Baili Hongzhuang four people, and the demon pet eggs were what they wanted wholeheartedly.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of Yuanli collision continued to resound, and cracks appeared on the flat ground in the battle of everyone.

Fortunately, the road to the Penglai Temple is wide enough, otherwise the buildings on this side might have been affected by their battles and turned into ruins.

Yuanli constantly pouring out of the four people of Baili Hongzhuang, now they can be said to save every point of Yuanli, only by retaining a little bit of Yuanli, they can support a period of time.

Baili Hongzhuang has already prepared the supply of pill. In the face of such a wheel war, the consumption of vitality is the most rapid, so supplementing the vitality is the most important.

As soon as they took action, the four of Baili Hongzhuang tried their best to solve each other quickly, otherwise, they would have to spend more energy and time.

Fortunately, the cultivation bases of most cultivators are the fifth and sixth levels of the purple realm. Everyone is a cultivator who has not been to the Penglai Temple for a long time. Realm breakthrough is not so easy.

Even with the cultivation resources of Penglai Temple, the spirit stones in everyone's hands are still not enough for cultivation, so the speed is relatively stagnant.

Under such circumstances, the efficiency of the four members of Baili Hongzhuang was not bad, and the practitioners in front of them fell one by one in front of them, thus completely disappearing from the world.

It's just that, compared to their resolution speed, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are the fastest beings.

Their sneak attacks are often difficult for practitioners to guard against, and they directly attack the weakest part of the opponent, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to fight back.

This was why many cultivators directly followed their Tao, and they did not understand how they died until they died.

The other cultivators gradually discovered that some cultivators have lost their lives after uttering a scream. They did not notice what happened.

"No, there are other things sneaking on us!"

A dignified color appeared on the face of a cultivator, with a bit of panic and fear, except for Baili Hongzhuang there was clearly no one beside her, but it was clear that many of them have been attacked.

Hearing what this cultivator said, the other cultivators changed their faces and nodded, "Yes, there were indeed invisible things attacking us, everyone must be careful!"

"What kind of magic do they use?"

For a while, everyone's eyes on Baili Hongzhuang's four have completely changed.

It's fine if they can see, they can still defend, but this invisible and intangible feeling made everyone panicked, terrifying them even more.

Seeing that everyone regards Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's sneak attacks as black magic, Baili Hongzhuang's four people are also amused. These guys are so stupid that they would come up with such a reason.

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