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Chapter 3021: Fill in the information!

"Let's go in." Di Beichen said.

In the next second, the four of Di Beichen walked into the Demon Refining Tower together.

As soon as they walked into the Demon Refining Tower, the four of them felt a hustle and bustle coming from the sky and the earth, which filled their ears, forming a sharp contrast with the quiet outside.

In sight, this is a reception hall. The whole lobby is very spacious and bright. It is divided into small parts. Every place is full of people and looks extremely busy.

The appearance of the four people in Baili Hongzhuang's group naturally attracted a lot of people, but after looking at them for a moment, everyone's eyes turned back, as if they had become accustomed to it.

However, the four members of Baili Hongzhuang were surprised when they saw this scene. This situation is different from the Blood Refining Tower.

The most important thing is that the bright lights and orderly everything here does not seem to be chaotic at all. It is completely different from what they imagined, but it makes them feel like they don't know where to start.

Just as Baili Hongzhuang was thinking about how to act, a slim figure appeared in front of the four of Baili Hongzhuang.

"The four of you should be the first time to come to the Demon Refining Tower, right?"

Di Beichen nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Yes."

"Four people, please follow me to fill in the information. I will tell you the basic information and lifestyle of the Demon Tower. "The woman's face is always filled with a delicate smile, which makes people unable to feel the slightest ill feeling.

According to the words, the four people of Baili Hongzhuang followed the woman and walked to one of the many counters in the lobby. There was a sign hanging there-the newcomer registration area.

Before, Baili Hongzhuang four people patronized and looked at the surrounding situation, but did not notice the existence of such a counter.

"The situation here seems to be a little different from what we thought. I'm really curious about how to cultivate here." Wen Ziran lowered his voice and slowly said.

Di Beichen's eyes flashed with a deep light, "I will know later, everything here is indeed different from the Abyss of Blood."

Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help thinking of the first time she and Di Beichen received the spirit stone. It seems that the island of Penglai likes this arrangement, although the place where they received the spirit stone is not magnificent. But overall the pattern is still the same.

It is this orderly and unusually formal feeling that makes them realize that all this is not easy, and people dare not act rashly.

Just looking at the scene before her, Baili Hongzhuang can be sure that everyone here must abide by certain rules. Once the rules are touched, the end will be very miserable.

The woman walked into the counter, her delicate face was always filled with a polite smile, she reached out and handed the pen and paper to Di Beichen, and said: "Four people, please fill in your information first."

Di Beichen looked at the paper in front of him, his brows wrinkled involuntarily, because only one place needs to be filled in on this paper, and that is the cultivation base.

In the name, it's just a number.

Appearing to see Di Beichen's doubts, the woman explained aloud, "In our Demon Refining Island, we don't call people's names, only the serial number. This serial number is your name here."

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