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Chapter 2806: All the cards are out!

"I underestimated you!"

Lan Qingyan's face was very ugly, and words popped out of her teeth.

She thought that this advantage was completely in her hands, but she didn't expect Baili Hongzhuang to have such a variable. The most damning thing is that she didn't see it at all, and instead said!

Looking at Lan Qingyan's angry look, Baili Hongzhuang still looked contemptuous and indifferent.

With the impetuous temperament of Lan Qingyan, it is normal to suffer such a loss.

"This time, I won't let you speculate again!"

Lan Qingyan's face became cold, and now she has finally taken advantage of it. She wanted to take this opportunity to be looking at the faces of all the tribesmen, when Baili Hongzhuang was hit hard, but she didn't expect that Baili Hongzhuang could find such a point to restrict her.

She can't go on like this, she must defeat Baili Hongzhuang with an absolute advantage!

"Colorful glazed glass tower!"

The vitality of Lan Qingyan's body is circulating wildly, and the third colorful pagoda appears again!

However, her offensive did not end in this way. She wanted to kill Baili Hongzhuang in a way of destroying the ancients!

"The Devil's Palm of the Holy Land!"

The second martial skill came out immediately, following behind the colorful glazed tower, although its power has weakened slightly, it is also impossible to ignore!

Just when everyone thought Lan Qingyan's offensive was over, her handprints condensed again.

"Thousands of lightning strikes!"

As these three attacks appeared, everyone present changed their faces.

These three attacks are all ground-level martial arts, and the power displayed by the first-order Lan Qingyan in the purple realm is even more amazing!

Di Beichen and the others couldn't help but look at Baili Hongzhuang with worry, Lan Qingyan can be regarded as showing all her strength at the moment.

How strong is the Lan Family's background, and the power of these martial arts is bound to be amazing.

If a ninth-tier cultivator of the ordinary blue realm encounters such an attack, there is only one dead end!

Mu Lingbing could not help but clenched her hands, deep in her eyes a deep worried color appeared, and she meditated in her heart, "Don't let anything happen to her."

After Lan Qingyan used her tricks, Baili Hongzhuang quickly used her martial arts.

"Water curtain sky!"

"Burial of the sea of ​​fire!"

"Ling Tian Demon Lotus!"

Three attacks quickly from Baili Hongzhuang's hands were condensed and formed, the colorful water curtain sky shone brilliantly, and the Burial of the Sea of ​​Fire was dazzling crimson.

The tumbling heat wave and the water curtain sky are completely two attributes, but at this moment, after being displayed by Baili Hongzhuang, there is no slight offset.

It's just that when he saw Lingtian Demon Lotus, Di Beichen's eyes changed a bit.

He has seen Baili Hongzhuang using Lingtian Devil Lotus, but the Lingtian Demon Lotus was black at that time, but now the Lingtian Demon Lotus displayed by Baili Hongzhuang is white, even with a touch of chilling light.

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