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Chapter 3176: Break through the level, challenge the competition!

According to his understanding, the four members of Baili Hongzhuang have been focusing on their cultivation since they arrived at the Demon Refining Tower. It stands to reason that it took half a year to cultivate. It should be improved no matter what.

If you are an ordinary cultivator, it's not surprising that you haven't made a breakthrough in half a year, but they have the existence of a genius alchemist like Baili Hongzhuang, and the opportunity to improve their cultivation level is much greater than that of other cultivators. Now, no breakthrough at all should be impossible.

Baili Hongzhuang was also very frank in what she said before. She sold healing medicine in exchange for the spiritual stones they needed for cultivation, which shows that they have spent a lot of effort in cultivation.

Faintly, he was able to judge that the four of Baili Hongzhuang must have made a breakthrough in half a year, otherwise they would have been able to participate in the ring competition. Why did they have to wait until now?

There must be a reason for this, but after another thought, Guanshi Qin couldn't help dispelling this idea.

As early as Baili Hongzhuang came into his sight, he deliberately investigated the situation of Baili Hongzhuang, Baili Hongzhuang did not belong to any forces before, but came to the island of Penglai from the outside world as a cultivator.

If he had expected it well, the four people of Baili Hongzhuang might have come to Penglai Island for the name of the Demon Abyss. They must know that many cultivators came with this idea at first.

Since they are outside cultivators, if the four people of Baili Hongzhuang have not reached the fifth-order cultivation base of the purple realm, it is impossible to pass through that barrier. Then what is the problem?

Guanshi Qin frowned. He always felt that there was something strange in this matter, but he couldn't figure out where the strangeness was. He was really depressed.

After Wen Ziran passed the first competition, everyone's view of Wen Ziran was completely different from before.

Even if it's just a battle, everyone can still see how powerful he is.

Wen Ziran obviously enjoys this gaze very much. Seeing that the guys who laughed at him before have closed their mouths one by one, he is also very happy.

After Wen Ziran started the ring match, Shangguan Yingying also began to participate in the ring match.

It's just that she doesn't have the experience of participating in such competitions normally, so she has to be more careful than Wen Ziran when choosing opponents.

In fact, Shangguan Yingying only has less experience than Wen Ziran, but her fighting power is not much worse than Wen Ziran.

Originally, she felt very uncomfortable with the bloody battle in the Demon Refining Tower arena area, but after watching a lot of competitions, she also became more indifferent, and gradually got used to this kind of battle environment. Although bloody, but as long as you are more careful, you can still save your life.

As for the injury, this is not in her consideration at all.

Don't say they were injured in the ring, they are usually injured when they practice in the Ocean World, and they are used to it now.

In the following days, Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying have been participating in the ring competition. They only hope to win ten consecutive victories early and enter the twelfth floor.

In the course of this match, they also found that their opponents are often very polite to them, not at all like the brutality of participating in the arena matches normally, without the slightest provocation, and even showing a bit of kindness and a smile.

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