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Chapter 3001: United, many forces!

"The Emperor, you are so powerful, the effect of this pill is really shocking!"

Ye Lifei's face is full of joy, since Zhentian helped step by step and made trouble for him, he has always wanted to find a chance to fight back, but there has been no suitable opportunity.

Now, he is almost certain that as long as tomorrow is passed, the reputation of the Shaking Gang will be greatly reduced, and they will become the target of opposition from all forces.

Until then, even if the Zhentian Gang itself is not weak, they will definitely be expelled from the Emerald Island.

Not only that, he will also find a way to let everyone attack the Shaking Gang together. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is best to kill the Shaking Gang!

Looking at the smile on Ye Lifei's face, Baili Hongzhuang and others already knew that their judgment was not wrong, and the plan was completed!

"Does the Liang Gang leader have any doubts?" Di Beichen asked in a deep voice.

"No, Liang Qinghui believes in everything that happened today, and did not doubt me at all.

He will also be responsible for telling other gang leaders tomorrow. I will just be one witness." Ye Lifei smiled lightly.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "Leader Ye Gang, this is only the first step to success. Next, we need some means to make Zhentian Gang convicted, you must find a trustworthy people, if there are any traitors again, then this plan will be completely ruined."

"Second Emperor, don't worry, I will never let that happen a second time!"

Ye Lifei's eyes were fierce and decisive. It was enough for him to experience this stupid decision once before. If there is a second time, then he must be damned.

"That's good."

Baili Hongzhuang really believes that Ye Lifei can become the leader of a party in a place like Penglai Island, which is enough to prove Ye Lifei's ability to deal with these traitors. There should be more ways.

The next day, Ye Lifei and Liang Yonghui notified all the forces on the Emerald Island as soon as possible. Their actions were very secretive and had been hidden from everyone in the Zhentian Gang.

"Lead Gang, what Liang Gang said is true? The Zhentian Gang really uses such a medicinal pill to solicit the gang?"

The help at the scene heard what Liang Yonghui said, after the content everyone's faces flashed a thick color of shock.

Ye Lifei nodded, "This pill was indeed found from the gang members of the Zhentian Gang. I found it together with Gang Master Liang and brought it to the pharmacist for appraisal. You can take a look at this pill, but I don't rule out the possibility of framing."

"From my point of view, the Zhentian Gang must not do this kind of thing out of nowhere. This method is so despicable. It is simply contempt for all of us to solicit help on our Emerald Island under the guise of finding a murderer. Absolutely can't tolerate it!"

"Yes, I originally admired Gao Hanchun's abilities, but I didn't expect that he had been using these evil ways. We can't condone them anymore!"

"We must make this matter public and expel the group of Zhentian Gang from the Emerald Island!"

Several gang leaders can't help but express their views together. The recent actions of the Zhentian Gang have already made them intolerable. In fact, they only need a leader to unite everyone. As for the Zhentian Gang, they don't care about it.

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