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Chapter 2971: Nervous, Shangguan Yingying!

Wen Ziran took the lead and walked towards the second floor of the inn. Shangguan Yingying was just about to get up but found that the beads on her head fell to the ground. When she picked it up, Wen Ziran had already walked a distance.

Just as she passed by Gao Hanchun's table of people, suddenly, a voice rang behind her.


Shangguan Yingying's footsteps stopped, her face changed involuntarily, Gao Hanchun's people suddenly stopped her, did they find any problems?

She couldn't help but feel nervous. This Gao Hanchun is not so foolish as an ordinary person. If found here, it would not be easy to escape with their strength.

Her heart is extremely nervous, Shangguan Yingying's face still doesn't show the slightest panic, turned around and looked at the man who was talking to her, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"The girl looks very strange."

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yingying's heart chuckled, but there was a strong smile on her face, "What's the matter?"

The man chuckled, "It's nothing, just looking at the girl, you look pretty, I hope you can sit down and have a drink with me."

Shangguan Yingying, who was already ready to do something at any time, relaxed a bit after hearing this. It seems that the other party just became lustful, not recognizing her. This result It's much better than the former.

Wen Ziran's face became very ugly after seeing that Shangguan Yingying was stopped by the people of the Zhentian Gang, and he couldn't help but say, "Madam, we're going back soon."

While speaking, Wen Ziran's gaze couldn't help falling on the man who stopped Shangguan Yingying, showing some dissatisfaction and fear, but his attitude was very tough.

Madam, it's the name of a lady, which has already stated everything.

"The third child, now we are busy finding the murderer, don't make trouble." Lu Jiangang couldn't help frowning.

Gui Jun is good at everything and strong. The only downside is that he is too lustful.

If you were in a gang normally, it wouldn't matter, but now their Shaking Gang was busy dispelling the negative rumors, Gui Jun couldn't help but harasses the girl, which really made him a little helpless.

Listening to Lu Jiangang's warning, Gui Jun after taking another look at Gao Hanchun's expression, he smiled brilliantly, "I just wanted to have some fun. If you don't let me, I just won't want to find it."

Shangguan Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, speeded up her pace and walked to Wen Ziran's side, and the two returned to the room together.

It wasn't until after closing the door that Shangguan Yingying released her clenched fist. She didn't know when she was already covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen looked at Wen Ziran's expressions at a very different level, and couldn't help but greet them, and said, "What's the matter with you? What happened?"

Wen Ziran took a deep breath and said, "We met Gao Hanchun and the others downstairs, and Yingying was stopped by them. We thought we were found out, and we were taken aback."

"That guy turned out to be just lustful, nothing happened, don't worry." Shangguan Yingying continued.

Hearing this, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen couldn't help frowning. Although Shangguan Yingying said it simply, they also knew in their hearts that the situation just now was very dangerous.

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