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Chapter 2961: Goal, Demon Island!

Since the Emerald Island has become what it is now, the situation on other islands will not be much better than the Emerald Island.

Even if they want to pretend they are not newcomers, but after all, they still know too little about the island of Penglai. As long as the other party interrogates a few more words, it is very likely that they will be exposed. This is undoubtedly extremely bad.

If going to any place is the same, what is the difference between staying on Emerald Island?

Listening to Wen Ziran's words, Baili Hongzhuang and the two were also in silence, but they couldn't help but remember what the old man said to them before.

The easiest place to hide your identity is the Demon Abyss.

"Magic Island!" Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen said in unison.

Looking at Di Beichen and Baili Hongzhuang saying a place in unison, Wen Ziran and Shangguan Yingying were also surprised, "What do you mean?"

"If we leave Emerald Island, let's go to the Demon Refining Island first. It should be the most suitable place for us to hide our identity, and there, we can also improve our strength better, and there should be a great opportunity to earn spirit stones."

Di Beichen's voice was low, and his deep black eyes were full of wise light.

He has never been to the Demon Refining Abyss, but he knows the Blood Ground Abyss very well. If his judgment is good, the Demon Refining Abyss and the Blood Ground Abyss should be the same type of existence. The requirements are very high.

The cultivators on the island of Penglai have all reached the requirements to enter the abyss of refining. Presumably the island of refining must be a very lively place. In such a place full of killing and blood, no one will care about who you are.

Even if the power of the Zhentian Gang is not small, once they go to the Demon Refining Island, their power will definitely not be able to be used.

Because no one will answer.

The Demon Refining Abyss is itself a place that relies on strength, not on the number of people.

There are many people who have made a big fight and killed the opponent. It is absolutely impossible for the Zhentian gang to use the power of the gang to make people jealous in the Demon Abyss.

Wen Ziran thought for a moment, his eyes lit up suddenly, "You are right, the Demon Refining Abyss should be just like the Blood Ground Abyss, a place that is not reasonable at all, and no power can be exerted in that place. In terms of relative effects, your two brains are brilliant. Why didn't I expect this."

"However, we must be careful when we go to the Demon Refining Abyss with our strength, where cultivators are common. The strength is probably stronger than that of Emerald Island."

Baili Hongzhuang's voice is low, not very happy because they found a place to go, but because going to the Demon Abyss may be more dangerous than the environment they are in now.

"Thinking when they go to the Abyss of Bloodland, they will not be newcomers. The people there are all in their own way. As long as you are more careful, it is okay. At least it is much better than hiding everywhere on the Emerald Island like a mouse crossing the street. Wen Ziran smiled faintly.

"In that case, let's go to Demon Refining Island after we leave Emerald Island. Now we have to find a way to leave here first."

"Hongzhuang, Bei Chen's physique shouldn't be a problem, right?" In our current situation, I am afraid that we can't go to the auction for the time being."

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