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Chapter 3201: Lively, Penglai Island!

"Since we have come to Penglai Island, we will definitely see the practitioners of the Penglai Temple. We must be able to satisfy our curiosity." Wen Ziran smiled lightly.

"The most important thing for us now is to find an inn to settle down. The number of practitioners who have come to Penglai Island in the past few days is extremely large. We can also understand more news when the inn is not full." Di Beichen slowly said.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang nodded, "Penglai Island is so big and there are many inns here. Let's find an inn at will and settle down first!"

"Hongzhuang, after we settle down for a while, let's go shopping! After spending such a long period of time in the Demon Refining Tower, the contents there are so expensive that I haven't bought new clothes for a long time."

Shangguan Yingying's eyes shined with the light of expectation, as a woman, she has always valued this image very much, but she didn't have any thoughts in a place like the Demon Refining Tower. Now that she finally came out, she couldn't help but want to buy some things she needed.

"Okay!" Baili Hongzhuang promised with a smile, "There are still some necessities, we really should buy."

"Then you two will go shopping. By the way, please help Beichen and me to purchase some things." Wen Ziran leaned to Shangguan Yingying's side and said with a chuckle.

"Okay." Shangguan Yingying raised an eyebrow, "Then I will reluctantly agree to you."

"Thank you lady." Wen Ziran arched his hand, which caused Shangguan Yingying to laugh.

The four of Baili Hongzhuang found a very lively inn near the center of Penglai Island and lived there. They are currently on Penglai Island and they don't know much about it. It's often easier to get news in such a big inn.

After staying, Di Beichen and Wen Ziran went back to the house to rest, and Baili Hongzhuang was in harmony with Shangguan Yingying and they went shopping on the street together.

Whenever, shopping is always a woman's nature.

The things on Penglai Island are very outstanding, but the price is also very expensive.

In this regard, Baili Hongzhuang and Shangguan Yingying, who have been used to staying in the Magic Tower, don't think the price is very expensive. On the contrary, they think it is very cheap because of the charge of the Magic Tower is really scary.

Maybe it's because the large-scale auction held by the Golden Flame Auction House attracts a lot of practitioners, and the sellers on both sides of the street bought a lot of goods. It's dazzling.

The two helped Di Beichen and Wen Ziran to buy a few clothes before returning to the inn, which was quite rewarding.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang and Shangguan Yingying returned, Di Beichen and Wen Ziran's faces also showed smiles.

"Hongzhuang, we just learned about it. Sure enough, to participate in the auction of Jinyan Auction House requires an invitation letter. Those who do not have an invitation letter are not allowed to enter." Di Beichen looked at Baili Hongzhuang's purchase. After returning, he told Baili Hongzhuang what they had just learned.

Hearing that, Baili Hongzhuang's eyebrows were slightly raised, surprised but not really surprised, "What is the reason for so many cultivators to come to Penglai Island together if they can't participate?"

"Some cultivators come here to try their luck, because every invitation letter can bring one more cultivator into it. Many people are willing to sell this quota directly. As long as they can exchange for spirit stones, it is a good deal. Buy and sell."

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