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Chapter 2706: Leave, Ice and Snow Shentan!

In a blink of an eye, it was the last day of staying in the Ice and Snow Shentan.

The energy in the Ice and Snow Shentan is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning, but has gradually turned into a clear water color.

Sure enough, the power in the Ice and Snow Shentan can only support the cultivator for a month.

Once the time was exceeded, this energy was not enough to sustain it.

If we change as usual, even if one month is up, there will still be a certain amount of energy in the ice and snow sacred lake.

It's just that there were too many practitioners entering the ice and snow Shentan this time, so the positive energy was completely consumed.

"The time is almost here. We will leave as soon as day breaks."

Di Beichen raised his head and looked at the sky. After two hours, it will be the next day.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang nodded, and her deep and bright eyes flashed with a complex light.

Once out of the Ice and Snow Shentan, it's time for the show to begin.

She was thinking her parents should have joined up with her grandparents by now, just waiting for her to appear.

Compared with the ease of Baili Hongzhuang's three people, Lan Qingyan and the four children of the Lan family's complexion became much ugly.

Now it's the last moment. If the young master still cannot break through to the purple realm, they will feel their scalp numb just thinking about the situation they will face after going out.

Lan Qingyan closed her eyes tightly, working hard to absorb the remaining energy in the ice and snow sacred lake.

She can feel that she is only one line away from breaking through. She must seize this opportunity, otherwise she will not be able to face her father if she misses it.

The four children of the Lan family also looked at Lan Qingyan nervously, hoping that a miracle would happen.

"It seems that your appearance this time has brought a lot of pressure to Lan Qingyan."

Di Beichen looked at Lan Qingyan who was nervous on the other side, and turned out to be right. Baili Hongzhuang sat beside him.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, "It's a good thing to make her feel the pressure earlier, isn't it?"

"After leaving this ice and snow sacred lake, I'm afraid her pressure would be bigger."

Although she was practicing, Lan Qingyan could also hear the conversation between Di Beichen and Baili Hongzhuang.

This couldn't help but make her feel an unspeakable sense of humiliation, thinking about how many talented cultivators have been trampled under her feet since she was a child.

However, the sudden emergence of a Baili Hongzhuang was pressing on her everywhere, which already made her intolerable.

Now Baili Hongzhuang dares to laugh at her!

She is a real genius!

A genius with colorful beads!

How can Baili Hongzhuang, a little-known scumbag, step on her head?

Thinking of this, an unspeakable anger erupted in Lan Qingyan's heart, but it caused a slight change in her bottleneck that had never been loosened!

The sky is gradually clearing, Baili Hongzhuang and others have emerged from the ice and snow Shentan.

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