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Chapter 2536: Order, Saint Profound Continent!

Because the Yue family recruited a lot more than usual this time, some doctors who had no hope in the ordinary day are now trying their luck.

This may be the best opportunity in this life. Once it is missed, there will be no chance in the future.

After all, no matter what standard the Yue family recruited them, as long as they can become physicians and poison masters who pass the recruitment conference, their reputations will be different from usual.

"I didn't expect the Yue family's influence to be so great. It's really ignorant!"

Xiao Hei's face is full of irritation, this Yue family is all about the morality of the world. On the contrary, it is a family that is too powerful.

It is such a family, but it is the holy land in the minds of physicians and poison masters from the Shengxuan Continent.

Speaking of which, it is a pity.

"How vicious is Yue Siqing herself, but she is a doctor. Isn't this also a very ironic thing?"

Xiao Bai shook his head, in its opinion, Yue Siqing learn this medical technique is not to save people at all, but to harm people.

Baili Hongzhuang sighed faintly, "It's not a pity that the Yue family's cold-blooded and ruthless clan was ruined. It's just that it ruined the holy land in the minds of all physicians and poison masters in Shengxuan Continent. I didn't know it would break the hearts of many people."

She hadn't considered these issues before. If the Yue family was a family with a conscience that could help the world, even if she and Yue Siqing have a deep hatred, she would not ruin the entire Yue family.

It's a pity that this was not the case. The entire Yue family was embarrassing and ruthless to their bones.

Just from the fact that Yue Siqing's rescue of Lan Qingyan still needed to receive so much remuneration, it could be seen that there was such a thing. In an instant, Baili Hongzhuang sympathized with Lan Qingyan.

Because Lan Qingyan's family members were so indifferent and ruthless.

In contrast, even though Baili Hongzhuang was in the General's Mansion and had endured many years of humiliation, but at least the people who accompanied her now treated her with sincerity and never received anything in return.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang's worry, Di Beichen stretched out his hand and held Baili Hongzhuang's little delicate hands, and his voice is magnetic and persuasive.

"Madam, every world has a certain order. When a power disappears, there will always be something new. The rise of power is like the fall and rise of a dynasty.

Just as we ruined the Yue family now, it may be a great loss for physicians and poisonists, but in the future, there may be a medical family with true medical ethics.

Until then, who can say that everything is wrong now?"

The handsome and extraordinary face with a gentle and elegant smile, like a spring breeze across Baili Hongzhuang's heart, wiped away all her original worries.

"What's more, the Yue family's purpose itself has always been to seek profit."

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "Yes, I was thinking too much before."

When she was eating in the restaurant lobby just now, she saw the excited eyes of all the doctors and poison masters when they talked about the solicitation meeting. It was a kind of adoration from the heart, she could feel it.

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