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Chapter 2571: Chapter 1 shows up!

This Ji Lexue is really pitiful.

In the next second, Baili Hongzhuang walked slowly in front of Ji Lexue and squatted down.

"Ji Lexue, I advise you to think carefully about it.

Di Tiancong has no real feelings for you at all. In comparison, he does not like you as much as Yue Ruilin.

If you are really with him, it is a tragedy.

Don't sink yourself in the tragedy, otherwise no one can save you."

Baili Hongzhuang lowered her voice and said these words and got up. She didn't give an antidote, because Di Tiancong's death had been doomed since Di Tiancong had thought of revenge on her yesterday.

Such a scum, she won't hesitate to take action.

Ji Lexue's figure was shocked, looking at Baili Hongzhuang's back in amazement, there was a deep unbelievable flash in her heart.

She never thought that Baili Hongzhuang would say such a thing to her.

But the content of this remark is exactly what she has been struggling with.

She could hear that Baili Hongzhuang was thinking about her when she said this, which is what she couldn't believe.

Unfortunately, facing such a statement, she couldn't refute it.

For a long time, she just didn't want to admit it and didn't want to face it, but in fact she knew very well in her heart that all of this was true.

The onlookers looked at Baili Hongzhuang and Ji Lexue suspiciously. They didn't understand what Baili Hongzhuang said, which would make Ji Lexue show such an expression.

"Master, you didn't hand over the antidote. Why is Ke Ji Lexue's expression so strange? She doesn't seem to hate it."

Xiao Hei is a little confused, just now. That change is really incomprehensible.

'She would actually thank me."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, and Ji Lexue was not stupid either.

She wants to get rid of this pain, but she can't make up her mind, so it's not impossible to use the hands of others.

Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, the three beasts in the Ring of Chaos couldn't help but glance at each other. What does this mean?

Not long after, when everyone had gathered in the central square, the voice of the elder Yue family resounded on the high platform.

"The list of people who passed the preliminary rounds has come out, and the finals will be next. The doctors and poison masters whose names I have read come to the high stage one by one."

The great elders of the Yue family were all smiles. This time the solicitation conference really showed a lot of good seedlings, especially the first place announcement. The results are simply amazing.

Yesterday, Yue Siqing couldn't help but admire after reading this Xuanyi test paper. This woman was born a doctor, but she was so powerful, she didn't know if she was also a famous teacher.

So last night he wanted to investigate, but he didn't expect to see Yue Ruilin trouble Xuanyi.

However, he also learned something from Yue Ruilin's mouth.

It stands to reason that these two should have come out alone, and now they want to live in the haven of Yue Family.

"First place, number one hundred and sixty-nine, Xuan Yi!"

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