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Chapter 2511: I should be poisoned!

The physician was suddenly yelled at by Lan Qingyan, and his face became extremely difficult to look at.

"Young Master, I have used medical techniques to relieve your pain, is there any effect?"

Lan Qingyan frowned, and said angrily, "If it worked, would I still have pain like this?"

This doctor is just a waste!

Upon seeing this, the doctor's eyes also flashed doubts. Logically speaking, Lan Qingyan should not be so painful anymore.

The doctor couldn't help looking at the pharmacist who was aside, and asked, "What can you do?"

The pharmacist also shook his head. The pharmacist is not a doctor, he can only refined the pill and can not cure diseases.

What's more, most of the medicines refined by the pharmacists are helpful for cultivation, and they can also refine some medicines to heal injuries.

However, this has nothing to do with relieving pain. There has never been a medicine that can relieve pain.

When Yue Manlan saw the doctor and the pharmacist staring at each other, they couldn't think of a way, and Lan Qingyan looked extremely painful, and her face instantly became gloomy.

"The young master is so painful, can't you find the reason? You have learned medicine for so long, and you can't even judge this?"

The medical skills of the Lan family doctors are also very outstanding, some of the doctors even went directly to the Yue family to learn medical skills.

After all, the Lan family and the Yue family are in-laws, so it is very convenient to help each other.

Being so rebuked by Yue Manlan, the doctor lowered his head in shame.

"Madam, I took the pulse for the young master, but the pulse was calm and there was no problem at all, so I don't understand why the young master is so painful."

The doctor thinks that his medical skills is not bad, but he can't see what's wrong and how it started?

Listening to the doctor's words, Yue Manlan couldn't help being startled. "Peaceful pulse? How could the young master's pulse be peaceful like this now?"

The doctor is also suffering from a face. He knows that no one will believe what he said, but the pulse is indeed peaceful!

He has been studying medicine for so long. Wouldn't it be wrong to judge this point?


Yue Manlan slapped the doctor directly in the face. She couldn't understand the use of sending this kind of waste to the Yue family to learn medical skills!

The doctor who was slapped the doctor was very upset in his heart, but who made Yue Manlan a noble status, so even if he felt wretched, he could only endure it.

Yue Manlan looked at the pharmacist in front of her and said, "Go and bring me all the doctors in the family. If the young master cannot be cured, you don't need to live anymore!"

Listening to Yue Manlan's words, the alchemist did not dared to delay and ran out of the house quickly.

For him, every time he came to the place where the young master's family was, it was always one kind of suffering.

After telling the pharmacist, Yue Manlan looked at the doctor who was still in a daze, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why are you still in a daze? Find a way to cure it!"

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