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Chapter 2821: A visitor is coming!

Looking at the back of Lan Yunxiao's departure, Lan Jingkuang sat on the ground as if he had lost all his strength, his eyes blank but frustrated.

"Jingkuang, what should we do now?"

Yue Manlan has already panicked. During these days, she saw that Lan Yunxiao and others had not dealt with them, and she somewhat still had some hope looking forward.

With respectable gentlemen like Lan Yunxiao, maybe they would let them go like this, but what Lan Yunxiao said today made her understand that it was just her fluke.

The reason why they didn't deal with them was just that the other party didn't have time until now.

Once the Lan family's affairs are settled, their pain will come.

Lan Jingkuang shook off the arm that Yue Manlan was holding on to him, his eyes were blood-red like an angry lion, "You ask me what to do? Now there is no other way besides waiting to die!"

"If we can die during this period of time, it will be the best ending, otherwise we will have to spend the rest of our lives like Lan Yunxiao and the others did before."

Baili Hongzhuang was really ruthless and had already abolished their cultivation base, leaving them no chance to resist.

Now they are already unable to survive, and there is no way to die.

Yue Manlan was hit with realization and her face turned pale for a moment. As the initiator, she knew too well what kind of torture Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing had endured before.

If all this falls on her, she definitely can't bear it.

"No, I don't want to be like that."

Yue Manlan sat on the ground without an image and wailed, she was the eldest lady of the Yue Family, the wife of the Lan family, but now the Yue family is gone and they also have no status in the Lan family.

Why did she make herself so miserable?

Lan Yunxiao, who walked to the outside of the dungeon, heard the crying from inside, his eyes were still cold and unfeeling, and with a big wave of his hand, the voice in the dungeon was completely isolated.

Dare to allow his wife and daughter to endure the pain for so many years, he will certainly make the other party regret it.

The Lan family is now in full swing preparing for Lan Yunxiao's canonization ceremony. Compared to the last canonization ceremony, the Lan clan people are undoubtedly happier this time. The most important thing is that they don't have to worry about the occurrence of any changes.

With such a new home, everyone is full of confidence in the future of the Lan family.

The entire Lan family is a thriving scene at this moment, as if the sky has cleared after rain, and all the previous haze has disappeared.

At this moment, Baili Hongzhuang and others received a message-a guest is coming!

After hearing the notice from the subordinates, Baili Hongzhuang and the others couldn't help but glanced at each other, and there was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

At this time, what kind of guests will come?

When Baili Hongzhuang and her party came to the door of Lan's house, two familiar figures appeared in their sight.

"Master, Madam Master!"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the two people in front of her in surprise. She didn't expect Master and Madam Master to come at this time.

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