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Chapter 3206: Despicable behavior!

"Since it is full here, shall we talk somewhere else?"

Shao Nan slowly said, although it was a questioning tone, however, the dissatisfaction on his face was very obvious.

With his current capacity, being willing to come and meet the three of Gao Hanchun was already a great honor to them. If he was asked to go somewhere else because of this, then this was not what they wanted.

Gao Hanchun and the three people were obviously not stupid. Just looking at Shao Nan's face, they understood what he meant, and immediately said, "No need to be dissatisfied. You two, go look around."

Gao Hanchun immediately winked at Lu Jiangang and Gui Jun. Lu Jiangang and Gui Jun immediately understood. They scanned the crowd in the lobby and found that most were groups of people sitting together, and it was undoubtedly very inconvenient to shoot. In the end, they found a cultivator who was drinking alone in a corner.

The eyes of the two suddenly lit up, and this person was their target.

In the next second, the two of them walked directly in front of the cultivator, and said, "You should have already finished drinking, right? We want this seat, so you should leave quickly now."

This scene clearly fell in the eyes of Baili Hongzhuang and others on the second floor, and all four of them had a trace of disdain.

"The way these Gao Hanchun people do things hasn't changed at all. They are so unreasonable every time." Baili Hongzhuang's eyebrows raised slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up ironically.

Gao Hanchun did the same when he was all about making trouble for them, completely ignoring the feelings of other people, it can be described as arrogant to the extreme.

"I am afraid that this style has been integrated into their bones, and it will not be changed for a while unless they encounter someone powerful enough to make them suffer a lot." Di Beichen said coldly.

The four of them sighed faintly in their hearts. They only hope that the three of Gao Hanchun will meet such a cultivator who will make them suffer earlier, so that they will also be able to get rid of this bad problem sooner, but it has really reached that point. I'm afraid these three guys have to go to hell to confess.

"Speaking of which, the clothes worn by the cultivator who came later seemed to belong to the Chi Yuezong." Wen Ziran noticed the mark on Shao Nan's shirt with sharp eyes, and couldn't help but utter a voice.

The three major powers of Penglai Island have their own signs. When their disciples are walking outside, they are often able to distinguish their identities by looking at their clothes.

Of course, there are a lot of fakers normally, but now Penglai Island has gathered practitioners from various places, and there are also many practitioners from the three major powers. There should be no people who dare to fake things here.

At this reminder by Wen Ziran, the three of Baili Hongzhuang suddenly noticed this, and their eyes changed a little.

"I didn't expect them to have some contact with the Chiyue Sect."

"Looking at them, they should be asking for help. The situation just now was obvious, they deliberately wanted to please the cultivator of the Scarlet Moon Sect, but I don't know why."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes are filled with wise light, but unfortunately, there are too many people in this restaurant, too noisy, so they also couldn't hear what Gao Hanchun and others were talking about just now.

"Forget it, we have nothing to do with them for the time being. The most important thing at the moment is the auction. It's better not to cause any trouble before that." Di Beichen slowly said. The conflict between them and Gao Hanchun will be resolved sooner or later, but not now.

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