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Chapter 3041: Healing medicine, sell it!

Listening to Xiao Yihan's roar, the woman's figure trembled, her face quickly filled with panic, and her eyes were filled with deep fear.

"Xiao, Young Master Xiao, I really can't help you." The more the woman said, the lower her voice, the less confidence she had. She was really worried that Xiao Yihan would kill her as soon as he got angry.

At this moment, the woman suddenly noticed that a cultivator was selling healing medicine on the second floor, her eyes brightened, and her heart was agitated.

Before, she didn't take this news to heart at all. Now that she saw this news, she was almost as if she had seen a life-saving straw. Even when she said to Xiao Yihan, "Young Master Xiao, today the alchemist and physician area has no healing medicine for sale, but there is a cultivator on the second floor selling healing medicine. I wonder if this medicine is okay?"

The woman looked at Xiao Yihan tentatively, although she also thought that the effect of the healing medicine sold by the cultivator on the second floor is certainly not much better, but it is better than nothing. She only hopes that the news will make Xiao Yihan's anger weakened a little bit.

Listening to the woman's words, Xiao Yihan couldn't help frowning. The news still made him feel very dissatisfied, but at least it was better than nothing.

"The healing medicine sold by the cultivator on the second floor?" Xiao Yihan asked, raising his eyebrows, his words obviously full of suspicion.

The woman nodded, "There are ten copies of this healing medicine, the first three are free, but a cultivator has taken the lead in taking one, and there are nine copies left, and the price is also very low."

"Am I the kind of person who cares about prices?" Xiao Yihan asked rhetorically.

"No, no, I didn't mean that!" The woman waved her hand again and again.

"This is a healing medicine sold by practitioners living on the second floor, and the price is still so low, the effect is not very good at first sight!" Xiao Yihan said slowly.

Most of the cultivators living on the second floor are poor people. You can know what kind of people can come up with by just thinking about it.

But Xiao Yihan also understands that there is really no other healing medicine for sale now, and he has only this one option left. It is better than nothing!

"Then you will bring me all the remaining nine bottles of healing medicine, I'll buy it!"

Hearing Xiao Yihan's words, the woman's face quickly appeared a touch of joy, like a pardon.

"Young Master Xiao, wait a moment, I will get this healing medicine and send it to your house."

Xiao Yihan nodded, the anger on his face still hadn't dissipated, turned around and went straight back to the house.

At least, the effect of healing medicine is much better than the wound healing by itself.

Baili Hongzhuang was practicing in the house, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Seeing this, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help frowning. It has been more than a month since she came to live here. Except for Wen Ziran, no one else has ever knocked on the door.

At this time, Wen Ziran should be betting in the ring arena area.

As soon as she opened the door, Baili Hongzhuang saw Tianmeng standing outside the door.

"The Emperor, you are lucky, the remaining seven bottles of healing medicine have been sold." Tianmeng's face was filled with a faint smile, "According to the price we gave before, every bottle of healing medicine sells five spiritual stones, we draw two spiritual stones, you can get three spiritual stones, nine healing medicines, a total of 27 spiritual stones, are all here."

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