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Chapter 2586: Success, Hongzhuang!

Yue Siqing seems to have deliberately isolated Baili Hongzhuang, and all the matters of contacting other doctors and poison masters are left to Ji Lexue normally.

Therefore, although Baili Hongzhuang is nominally a major disciple in person, in the eyes of Yue Jiaming, Baili Hongzhuang's status is actually inferior to Ji Lexue.

However, Baili Hongzhuang has never shown any dissatisfaction with this, instead, she has been silently completing the basic things that Yue Siqing gave her.

In these days, Baili Hongzhuang gradually understood the situation of the Yue family.

The Yue family's martial arts hall has suffered a lot since it was blown up by Baili Hongzhuang, but fortunately, the most important things have not disappeared.

As a medical family, the martial arts hall of the Yue family not only has martial arts and exercises, but also includes many rare medical books.

Baili Hongzhuang thinks that this is also a very good resource. Since she is going to destroy the Yue family, she will take these things from the Yue family with her at that time.

That kind of prohibition may be difficult for her to enter, but it is relatively simple to give it to Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai and the Ring of Chaos.

Lan Qingyan suffers pain every day. She is now skinny and bony. Later, she might have a mental breakdown, and she sometimes yells out loud.

Baili Hongzhuang lives near Yue Siqing's residence, and she can understand this better.

Looking at Yue Manlan's face with tears every day, Baili Hongzhuang only feels happy.

You cannot live only by committing sins.

If Yue Manlan and Lan Jingkuan hadn't done such an incompetent and incomprehensible thing, Lan Qingyan would not have to endure such suffering.

Lan Jingkuang stayed at Yue's house for a while. After seeing that Lan Qingyan's condition had not improved, he couldn't stay anymore and chose to return to Lan's house.

Judging from the emotions on Lan Jingkuang's face, Baili Hongzhuang can affirm that there has also been a lot of turbulence in the Lan family.

If this were not the case, Lan Jingkuang would not be anxious to go back.

It is a good sign.

In a blink of an eye, a month's time has come.

The night is exceptionally deep, and the entire land is covered by a thick black.

Di Beichen sneaked into the Yue family by taking advantage of the darkness. This time, the infiltration was very smooth. Baili Hongzhuang had already figured out the situation of the Yue family within this month.

If there is no accident, it will definitely not be discovered.

During this time, Baili Hongzhuang has placed poison in various important places of the Yue family.

It's just that they still need to do it if they want to make it happen completely.

"Lady, have you successfully given Yue Siqing Gu?" Di Beichen lowered his voice and asked Baili Hongzhuang.

"I succeeded."

The clear eyes of Baili Hongzhuang shone brightly like stars in this shady scene. She had originally planned to give up directly on Yue Siqing and turned to Ji Lexue.

She just didn't expect that Lan Qingyan was struggling as if going crazy today. Yue Siqing had already suffered a headache from Lan Qingyan in the past two months.

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