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Chapter 2986: Confidence, Hongzhuang!

Listening to Ye Lifei's words, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen couldn't help but glanced at each other. It seemed that this fact was just as they thought, Ye Lifei was really overcast by Gao Hanchun.

"I don't know what the Ye Gang leader has now?" Di Beichen asked aloud.

Ye Lifei's eyes gradually darkened, "My cronies will still send me medicine tonight, and I hope that the second son of the Emperor can help me identify it.

If it were him, I would not let him go easily!"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded, "This is of course no problem. It will take a certain amount of time for me to help Ye Gangzhu to detoxify and cure old diseases. During this process, you can't continue to be poisoned, otherwise wouldn't it all be in vain?"

As Baili Hongzhuang's voice fell, Ye Lifei suddenly looked at Baili Hongzhuang in shock, and said in disbelief, "Second Emperor, do you mean that my old illness can be completely cured?"

He only thought that Baili Hongzhuang could help him detoxify and prolong his short-lived life. This alone was enough to make him happy, but now Baili Hongzhuang actually told him not only can she detoxify him, but she can also completely cure his old illness?

You must know that his old illness has been with him for many years. Over the years, he has invited many doctors to treat him, but there has never been any. He gradually gave up on the effect of that, and only hoped to relieve a bit of pain is already his happiest thing.

However, now Baili Hongzhuang actually said that she would cure his old disease. How can this keep him from getting excited.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded very naturally, "That's natural. I was planning to help you heal your old disease, but when I checked it, I found that you were still poisoned. That's it."

Looking at the confident and indifferent Baili Hongzhuang in front of him, Ye Lifei only felt surprised that he didn't know what to say.

In the past few years, his cultivation has been unable to break through. He has almost believed that he can only stop here in his life, but now Baili Hongzhuang's words have rekindled hope for him, which is really gratifying.

"Second Young Master Di, if you can cure my old illness, then you will be my benefactor of reconstruction!"

Ye Lifei's eyes became unusually bright, and his vicissitudes of life seemed to radiate glory in an instant, and the whole person looked radiant.

"Helper, your medicine is here."

At this time, a voice rang outside the house, and the complexions of Baili Hongzhuang's faces changed a bit. Fortunately, when they spoke, they sealed the whole room with their Yuan Li and never let their voices go out for half a minute, otherwise the people outside might have heard their conversation.

"Come in."

They saw a man walk in with a soup bowl in his hand, put the soup medicine on the table and looked at Baili Hongzhuang and the others. Then he said to Ye Lifei, "Helper, you have to remember to drink medicine."

Ye Lifei nodded, the expression on his face was the same as before, but there was a glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes, "I know, you go out first."

The man left in response and behaved extremely honestly. If it weren't for Baili Hongzhuang and the others to be sure that Ye Lifei was really poisoned, it would be hard to suspect this man.

As the man left, Ye Lifei quickly looked at Baili Hongzhuang. Baili Hongzhuang nodded and put the silver needle into the soup.

When Baili Hongzhuang once again taken the silver needle out, Ye Lifei's face flashed with astonishment.

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