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Chapter 3131: Unspeakable humiliation!

Just when Chu Feihu and others were looking for the source of the rumors, the rumors became more and more prosperous. As the time for the announcement of the results gets closer and closer, everyone is concerned about this fusion pill. The effect is also growing.

This result is obviously beyond everyone's expectations, so there are more and more heated discussions, and everyone is beginning to sigh the magic of Baili Hongzhuang.

Every time when everyone believes that Baili Hongzhuang will never turn over again, Baili Hongzhuang is always able to fight a beautiful turnaround, shocking everyone's eyes.

After Xiao Yihan used Baili Hongzhuang's Rongbu Dan, his admiration for Baili Hongzhuang became stronger.

In his capacity, he has always used a lot of pill normally. Rongbu Pill is also a pill he is very familiar with, but after taking Baili Hongzhuang's Rongbu Pill, he clearly discovered Baili Hongzhuang's melting and tonic effect is much better than what he used before, at least 20% beyond the effect.

This feeling is like the first time he used Bailihongzhuang's healing medicine, which is very surprising, and the effect is simply amazing.

Until this moment, he finally understood why Baili Hongzhuang has always been so confident. It turns out that the things she took out were really different.

Lu Mingxu has no interest in Baili Hongzhuang. He wanted to take this opportunity to witness Baili Hongzhuang's true ability. If her strength is not enough, he can also find a way to win a round.

It's just that after personally trying the effect of Bailihongzhuang's pill, his feeling became very strange.

He doesn't want to admit that Baili Hongzhuang's Melting Pill is effective, but the fact is that Baili Hongzhuang's Melting Pill is really effective!

He is not a pharmacist. If there are only subtle differences, he can't judge it at all, but now he clearly feels it, which proves that the effect of Baili Hongzhuang's melting and tonic pill is better than ordinary melting tonic. Dan's effect is not half-star.

After Chu Feihu discovered that the trend of this rumor was out of his control, his face became very ugly. He kept pacing in the room, thinking about how to reverse this situation. Come back, otherwise once the result comes out, is it possible that he really has to leave the Demon Refining Tower?

He never thought about this possibility!

"Master Chu, let's go directly to buy people." A pharmacist couldn't help but propose it, considering their current situation, there is no other way.

Listening to this suggestion, Chu Feihu's hands under his sleeves couldn't help shaking, and an unspeakable sense of humiliation rose in his heart.

He has always boasted that he is outstanding in alchemy. In this respect, he has never given up anything. However, facing a junior who is only in his twenties, he needs such a method. This is simply trampling his self-esteem!

"Now, apart from this method, I am afraid there is no other way. We have to focus on the overall situation."

The alchemists sighed, and they also felt uncomfortable at the result. But if they don't do this, they won't be able to bear the end result.

"Finally, let's do this first."

Chu Feihu slowly closed his eyes. Over the years, his mind has never been so complicated.

For this result, he still didn't believe it. He firmly believed that it must be what Baili Hongzhuang used to cause the current situation, but he has never been able to find the evidence.

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