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Chapter 2871: The Prosperous Wedding (2)

Baili Hongzhuang changed into her wedding gown, and sat in front of the dressing table, closed her eyes under the sign of the three of Mu Lingbing, and handed them her face completely.

Normally, Baili Hongzhuang's dressing up is always very simple. It is usually just a hairpin to pull up the hair. It is really rare to dress up like this.

However, even if the dress is simple normally, it is still outstanding enough.

Smelling the faint powder scent, Baili Hongzhuang could only feel Mu Lingbing busy on her face, while Nan Gongwu was busy combing her hair bun, Mu Jinse from time to time. To make some comments.

The people underneath are not idle either. They have been preparing accessories and the etiquette and items needed to get married later.

In short, the whole house is extremely busy.

Xia Zhiqing and others got up very early, but they couldn't squeeze into Baili Hongzhuang's room at all because it was too busy inside.

After a long while, Baili Hongzhuang opened her eyes under Mu Lingbing's voice, and looked at herself in the mirror. Baili Hongzhuang felt absent for a moment.

The white and moist skin seems to be able to pinch water out, the slender willow eyebrows are gentle and elegant, the pair of phoenix eyes that end are radiant and radiant, like gems, with her smile slightly curved, like a crescent moon.

The stunning face is just like the bright sunshine, dazzling and dazzling.

A big red wedding dress is inlaid with gold thread, and the white and delicate skin on the lining is even more like skin, without losing elegance in the nobility, without losing charm in the magnificence.

When she was in Fengboguo, Baili Hongzhuang also wore the red wedding gown, but her face was a little bit green at the time, but now she is truly gorgeous.

Mu Lingbing and others stared blankly at the Baili Hongzhuang before them. As early as when Baili Hongzhuang tried on the wedding gown, they could imagine how amazing Baili Hongzhuang would be on the day of marriage. But now after seeing it with their own eyes, there is still a shocking feeling.

"You are so beautiful!" Nangong Wu couldn't help sighing.

"It's really a beautiful woman!" Mu Jinse's eyes are full of admiration. When she was young, she was praised many times, but compared with her granddaughter, she was really inferior to her.

Mu Lingbing's eyes are shining like stars, and his beautiful face cannot hide pride and happiness. Such a beautiful bride is her baby girl!

"By the time of the Tiangang Sect, I am afraid that Beichen will be dumbfounded, haha."

The people of the Lan family forgot to breathe for a moment after seeing Baili Hongzhuang, and they couldn't help sighing. There is such a beautiful person in the world.

The corners of Baili Hongzhuang's lips were filled with a bright smile. Looking at herself in the mirror, she also began to look forward to the expression of Di Beichen when he saw her.

The sun is shining and the blue sky is like washing. It seems that God knows that today is an excellent day and the weather is exceptionally good.

The entire Lan Family and Lanyang City are full of joy. Today is the day when Lan Yixuan, the only daughter of the Lan Family Patriarch, gets married, and the momentum is so great that it is naturally attracting attention.

For the Lan family, this is not only a day for Lan Yixuan, but also a day for them.

From now on, the status of their Lan family will be different.

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