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Chapter 2831: Held, the canonization ceremony!

The most important thing is that according to Ouyang Heng, their Ouyang family is no longer eligible to marry the Lan family.

Fortunately, he did not marry Lan Qingyan before, otherwise their Ouyang family would be in an extremely embarrassing situation.

If there is a chance, he appreciates Baili Hongzhuang even more, but he knows better that he can't compare with Di Beichen at all.

On this day, Lan Yunxiao's canonization ceremony did not invite many forces to come, but it was also beautiful.

Tiangang Sect, Sun Moon Palace, Promise Palace, Killing Heaven Tower, and Ouyang Family, the leaders of these five forces came here, and this posture is far from the canonization ceremony of other aristocratic families.

In this central square, Lan Yunxiao also reserved a special seat for Lan Jingkuang.

The struggle of their brothers for so many years will come to an end today.

When Lan Jingkuang appeared in front of everyone as a prisoner, everyone couldn't help but sigh. It was just a few short days, and Lan Jingkuang looked like an old man. At the age of ten, only the unruly and resentment in those eyes remained strong.

Lan Jingkuang's face is ugly to the extreme, he would rather die like this than let other people see his unbearable side.

Think about the decades before, how has there been such a situation that he could not control?

The attention of everyone was only attracted by Lan Jingkuang for a moment and then shifted to Lan Yunxiao's body. Lan Yunxiao was thin and tall, slender and noble, wearing a blue brocade robe. On his body, he is handsome and graceful.

He is handsome and elegant, with a gentle smile, and he doesn't show the slightest bitterness on his body. On the contrary, he is calm and gentle, with a kind of indifferent and remote temperament.

Lan Yunxiao walked slowly, like a dazzling piece of warm jade, making everyone feel the warmth like a spring breeze.

For a while, no one can compare with it.

"Master Yunxiao is here!"

"Master Yun is really handsome and unrestrained. Just looking at him makes you feel calm and approachable."

"That's not the case. Master Yun is notoriously good-tempered, without the slightest arrogance. Isn't our second young lady as close to us as Master Yun?"

The faces of the Lan clan showed joy one after another. With a smile, everyone felt more pressure when Lan Jingkuang was here, but when facing Lan Yunxiao, everyone felt that they were their relatives, the true spiritual leader.

Lan Yunxiao's gaze fell silently on Lan Jingkuang's body, and Lan Jingkuang's red eyes stared at Lan Yunxiao.

This kind of shame is tantamount to Ling Chi to him!

He wanted to disturb this canonization ceremony, but Baili Hongzhuang had already sealed his mouth, so that he couldn't even make a sound, so he could only stare here.

A clear smile quietly jumped to the corner of Lan Yunxiao's lips, and Lan Jingkuang's anger was an excellent gift to him.

Lan Hongtai stood on the high platform with a smile on his face, watching Lan Yunxiao walking slowly, the kindness and joy in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"Today is the day when my Lan family takes over the position of Patriarch. Thank you Sovereign Lord Tiangang, Lord Sun Moon Palace, Lord and Wife of Promise Palace, Young Lord Killing Tianlou, and Patriarch Ouyang for coming!"

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