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Chapter 2566: Appeared, Grand Elder Yue Family!

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Yue Ruilin couldn't help frowning.

He originally planned to give a sigh of relief for Ji Lexue himself. He thought Ji Lexue would be grateful to him when she learned about this tomorrow.

However, when Baili Hongzhuang suddenly revealed all this, he himself couldn't figure it out.

Because Ji Lexue's appearance this morning was a bit strange.

After seeing Yue Ruilin's hesitation, Di Tiancong quickly said, "Master Yue, don't listen to this woman's nonsense!"

"Master Yue, Ji Lexue already fell out with Di Tiancong now, and it is said that if you want to grasp the beauty by the heart, you have to seize the good time now.

If you are still with Di Tiancong now, it is not what Ji Lexue wants to see.

If you don't believe me, ask the woman present."

"Master, you are starting a fight in the nest!" Xiao Bai whispered.

"Anyway, neither of these are good things. Pick one first. It's the best to fight against each other. It's free to watch the show."

Baili Hongzhuang shrugged, it's just that Di Tiancong's villainous look wants to kill her.

"What if the pick is not successful?"

"Then it will be discarded!"


Di Beichen knows Baili Hongzhuang is doing this on a whim, he was not in a hurry, and regarded it as a good show.

Anyway, the wave of people in front of them was no threat at all.

As Baili Hongzhuang's voice fell, Yue Ruilin couldn't help looking at the crowd, but saw many women nodding secretly.

From a woman's point of view, Ji Lexue's attitude this morning is the attitude she has in mind.

For a while, Yue Ruilin was also a little silly. The development of the plot was different from what he thought.

However, at this moment, the elder of the Yue family also appeared in the restaurant.

"Ruilin, what are you doing?"

The Yue family elder looked at Yue Ruilin displeasedly, with a bit of displeasure and irritation in his expression.

Suddenly seeing the Yue family elder, Yue Ruilin couldn't help but was taken aback, and hurriedly saluted, "Elder."

"Now is the time for the solicitation conference, you, as the son of the Yue family, not only didn't help the Yue family to maintain the peace of Yuetian City, but on the contrary, you brought people to make trouble. How indecent!"

As he spoke, the elder of the Yue family couldn't help but glance at Baili Hongzhuang.

He was very impressed with today's first woman who turned in the papers.

The most important thing is that Yue Siqing has already approved the results just now. This result is amazing!

For this reason, he was prepared to come to meet this woman for a while, but he did not expect to see such a scene.

Yue Ruilin didn't expect the Yue family elder to be here at all, and the whole person was dumbfounded. Didn't the elder stay in the family normally?

What's more, today is the time when they are busy judging the results of the preliminary rounds, but the elders will come and wander around here without problems?

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