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Chapter 2591: The declaration is gone!

Yue Siqing snorted coldly, her face still cold, obviously not caring about Yue Manlan's explanation.

Since Yue Manlan arrived, she has disturbed her life.

She was able to cure Lan Qingyan, and that also depended on the blood relationship between them.

Yue Manlan didn't know how to be grateful. On the contrary, she also had many opinions. If the gift Lan Jingkuang hadn't given was enough, she had already expelled Yue Manlan away.

If Lan Qingyan was not too noisy these days, she would not have used her strength to seal her ears, so that such a thing would have been discovered for the first time.

Yue Siqing didn't give Yue Manlan face at all right now, and in front of so many juniors, she directly lost the face of Yue Manlan.

Yue Manlan was very aggrieved, but helpless, it was indeed that she did not hold back her temper.

She still couldn't help but felt a little annoyed in her heart, Yue Siqing always looked so high.

In terms of status, she is no worse than Yue Siqing.

Yue Siqing has always looked at her with these eyes of hers before she got married, which also made her extremely dissatisfied.

Yue Taotian had a gloomy face, he was very unhappy in his heart, but he did not do much about this matter. The most important thing now is to understand whether the Yue family has suffered any loss.

"Siqing, are your disciples all there? Have you suffered any loss?"

Yue Siqing also turned to look at Ji Lexue and others, with this look she only realized that Xuanyi was not among the crowd, her brows frowned quietly.

"Where is Xuanyi?"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Lexue and others were all startled. Before, they only thought about the possible murder of Yue Siqing, and there was no time at all to pay attention to others.

Until now Yue Siqing asked, they only remembered that they had never seen Xuanyi's figure.

"Master, I'll go and see!"

Ji Lexue quickly said, and after obtaining Yue Siqing's affirmation, she hurried to the place where Xuanyi lived.

When Ji Lexue arrived at the residence, she found that there was no one in the house and there was no sign of disorder, apparently she had already left.

"Master, declare that Xuanyi is not in the house." Ji Lexue answered truthfully.

As Ji Lexue's voice fell, everyone couldn't help but have an uproar, and incredible colors appeared on their faces.

"Should it be that the person who came to get revenge is this Xuanyi?"

"Xuanyi has always been honest doing things before, and she does things steadily without showing any clues."

"Could it be that Xuanyi was taken away by someone?"

Ji Lexue's expression was extremely complicated. During this month, she got along with Xuanyi very well.

It's just that she always felt that Xuanyi was a bit invisible, as if there was a layer of mysterious tulle draped over the latter, hazy and unreal.

After all this happened today, she suddenly felt that all of this might have something to do with Xuanyi.

Perhaps, here was what she had always been unreal.

Yue Siqing's face gradually changed, from gloomy to surprise and finally to angry.

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