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Chapter 2601: Abandon, Ji Lexue!

In the process of packing up, Ji Lexue accidentally saw a note, which was left by Xuanyi.

The content above is very simple. If the Yue family abandons them and they have nowhere to go, they can go to find her somewhere.

When she saw this note, Ji Lexue couldn't help being stunned. She never thought that Xuanyi would leave her with such a note. Doesn't it mean that Xuanyi exposed her position?

For a moment, Ji Lexue wondered whether or not to give this note to Yue Siqing, but in the end she put it away.

She doesn't know what kind of hatred Xuanyi and the Yue family had before, but according to her understanding of Xuanyi, Xuanyi is not a person who is right and wrong.

She took the initiative to provoke Xuanyi, Xuanyi did not kill her, on the contrary, she helped her a lot.

She felt that the reason why Xuanyi did so to the Yue family must be because the Yue family did a lot of damage to Xuanyi.

This point can be reflected in the word revenge.

There is no result from the cause. After all, no one can tell who is right and who is wrong in this matter. Naturally, she is an outsider who can't make an assertion.

However, when Xuanyi left this note to her, she trusted her very much.

Just for this, she could try to live up to the trust Xuanyi placed in her.

After all, she had no deceptive value for Xuanyi, Xuanyi should just want to give her a choice.

After thinking about it, Ji Lexue still did not waver.

Although the Yue family had fallen into such a situation now, as a direct disciple of Yue Siqing, this was also her goal for so long, and it was really impossible to give up so easily.

However, when Ji Lexue finished packing her bags and stood with the doctors and poison masters, waiting for Yue Siqing to come back and lead them, she found that Yue Siqing never came back.

"I just saw the Patriarch and Master Yue Siqing and the others set out to leave Yuetian City together. It seemed that there was no plan to take us away."

At this time, when a doctor ran back quickly, she couldn't hide the panic on her face and explained what she had just seen.

As soon as these words came out, Ji Lexue and the others couldn't help but froze. They felt that they had become a member of the Yue family after joining the Yue family, but they never thought that the Yue family would abandoned them at this time.

"Are you telling the truth? They left like that? Could they have forgotten about us?"

"Don't be naive! If they really have us in their heart, how could they have forgotten such a large group of people?

What's more, Ji Lexue is a direct disciple of the master, and the master is absolutely impossible to forget.

Since the master has not returned yet, That must definitely want to leave us."

The hearts of everyone gradually sank. Now the entire Yue family is the source of infection, and they're only hope was to leave together.

Now that they were left behind, where would they go?

"I just heard the news that the Yue family was going to the Lan family as a group, but just left with the children of the Yue family. We outsiders never had the opportunity to leave.

In my opinion, let's leave here fast. If we continued to stay here, I'm afraid we would also be infected soon."

"But I came here all the way, all I wanted to learn from my teacher. Now let Where am I going back?"

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