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Chapter 2676: Excited, Lan Hongtai!

Lan Borong nodded, and Lan Hongtai had enough reasons to do everything.

The current situation is indeed not suitable, he is a little worried.

After all, such a turmoil just happened at noon today, and the actions of the Patriarch really attracted too many people's attention.

In the past few years, the attitude of the Patriarch has always been very obvious. Once he goes, I am afraid it will arouse Lan Jingkuang's actions.

"Bo Rong, you send someone to pay attention to Jingkuang's activities, and absolutely don't allow anyone to hurt Baili Hongzhuang!"

Lan Hongtai's face was cold and stern. Because of his negligence, he caused a lifetime of regrets, and now he would never let this happen again!

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I have sent someone to watch, and we will find out any troubles immediately."

Lan Hongtai nodded, with a satisfied look on his face.

"I heard that Baili Hongzhuang's performance at noon today was wonderful?" Lan Hongtai smiled and asked about what happened during the luncheon.

He knew that Lan Jingkuang and others were going to take advantage of this opportunity to challenge Baili Hongzhuang, so he arranged for Lan Borong to pay attention.

Once the situation develops to a tense situation, he may be able to reconcile it and prevent Baili Hongzhuang from being harmed.

It's just that, according to the news he has learned, Baili Hongzhuang's performance today is really a good one, directly destroying all the plans of Lan Jingkuang and others.

Lan Borong also showed a smile on his face, saying, "Indeed, Baili Hongzhuang's appearance today is impressive.

Even when facing the madness of Lan Jingkuang and the other's aggressiveness. Baili Hongzhuang was compelling and still looked Yunjuanyunshu, confident of everything."

I think that no matter who sees Baili Hongzhuang's performance today, he will be amazed by it. It is really outstanding.

Similarly, the situation today also made them understand the attitude of Di Beichen and Mo Yunjue. They are completely on the side of Baili Hongzhuang, and no interest can break them.

Lan Hongtai listened to Lan Borong's detailed explanation, and gradually a rosy semblance appeared on his face, which reminded him of Lan Yunxiao's days in the family.

When Lan Qingyan returned to the house, she was always very puzzled, "Mother, do you know what is special about Baili Hongzhuang?

Today, almost all the elders showed a very shocked look after seeing Baili Hongzhuang. I don't understand why."

This point, Lan Qingyan has always been unable to understand.

It's just the situation before, and she couldn't ask Lan Jingkuang, so she could only discuss with Yue Manlan now.

It's just that this discussion is obviously meaningless.

Because Yue Manlan didn't see Baili Hongzhuang at all, she showed a surprised look.

"Everyone sees Baili Hongzhuang and looks very strange? Why is that?"

Looking at Yue Manlan's completely unknown appearance, Lan Qingyan sighed, but suddenly there was nothing to say so there was no need to continue.

Her mother, for so many years has really been outside the core.

"Fine, I'll talk about it after my father comes back."

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