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Chapter 2811: Take it back, 7-color god beads!

Lan Hongtai looked at the martial arts stage that had been completely shrouded in colorful Yuanli in front of him. Under Baili Hongzhuang's control, he didn't even hear the voice inside.

Obviously, Baili Hongzhuang and Lan Qingyan have their own accounts to be settled.

At this point, Lan Hongtai and others have already seen through it, and the matter between the two juniors will be settled by themselves. It doesn't make any sense for them to intervene. On the contrary, it may cause the two of them dissatisfaction.

Whether it is right or wrong, they all have their own judgment.

After Baili Hongzhuang withdrew the colorful rays of light, everyone could see everything on the competition stage.

In their sight, Baili's Hongzhuang and her white clothes were dusty. Although it was stained with a bit of dust, the majestic face and thousands of graces still couldn't hide.

The eyes of everyone looked at Baili Hongzhuang's face for a moment and then transferred to Baili Hongzhuang's hand, because in her hand, a colorful bead was emitting a bright light.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air, and a deep look of horror appeared on their faces.

Obviously, this colorful divine bead cannot belong to Baili Hongzhuang, only Lan Qingyan.

So, Baili Hongzhuang really took out the colorful beads from Lan Qingyan?

Lan Hongtai and the others also had their pupils shrunken. Baili Hongzhuang really did what she said. She said that she would take out the colorful beads.

Behind Baili Hongzhuang, Lan Qingyan has fallen to the ground forever, and there is no possibility to stand up again.

Until the moment before she died, Lan Qingyan regretted that she did not listen to Lan Jingkuang's words.

If she can bear it, at least her life will survive.

Unfortunately, all these regrets can only bring Huangquan, to the underworld.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Lan Borong with a faint smile on her face and said, "Elder, this life and death battle is over."

Lan Borong was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly nodded, "Winner, Lan Yixuan!"

There was an uproar in the audience. Everyone did not investigate Lan Qingyan's situation because they had already felt the dissipated breath of Lan Qingyan.

Even if they had expected it in their hearts, when all of this really happened, everyone was still a little bit too slow.

Can anyone blame Baili Hongzhuang?


The enmity that was placed on any of them was probably unacceptable. Moreover, Lan Qingyan had always been proud of killing Baili Hongzhuang before.

So, no matter what the final result is, everyone can only choose to accept it.

After Baili Hongzhuang stepped down from the competition stage, Di Beichen and the others quickly greeted her with joyful smiles on their faces.

"Hongzhuang, you just shocked us a lot." Mu Lingbing laughed out loud, and now she was finally relieved.

"Mother, sorry I worried you."

"It's over now, you don't need to worry anymore."

Mu Lingbing's whole person seemed extremely relaxed, whether it was Lan Yunxiao or Baili Hongzhuang, they had already accomplished what they wanted to do.

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