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Chapter 3351: Optimistic, Long Yuanwei!

Listening to Long Yuanwei's words from the heart, Baili Hongzhuang and others also understood his deep meaning.

Although they don't understand why Long Yuanwei is so optimistic about them, they understand that no matter what, they are willing to live up to Long Yuanwei's expectations of them.

"Lord Long, don't worry, we will not let you down!"

The faces of the four are full of seriousness and determination. They don't have any sense of belonging to the Penglai Temple, and now just for Long Yuanwei's friendship with them, they must perform well, otherwise they would be too sorry for Long Yuanwei.

They never thought of themselves as good people, but Zhien Tubao has always been their guideline.

Long Yuanwei and them just met in peace, only to attract them back because of their potential. After being cheated, he spared no effort to consider them.

If Long Yuanwei's reputation was damaged because of them, it would be too pitiful.

At this moment, the four people of Baili Hongzhuang have made up their minds, and they will definitely perform better in this Penglai Palace.

Since everyone has linked them with Lord Long, they must at least be the ones that make Lord Long shine on his face.

Looking at the seriousness of Baili Hongzhuang's four people, Long Yuanwei's eyes also showed a touch of relief, and smiled lightly, "Then I look forward to your performance."

"Lord Long, I wonder if we can leave after we complete the contract?"

At this time, Di Beichen slowly said his thoughts.

Now the disciples in the outer hall are all staring at them. They don't know how many cultivators are waiting for them to return.

If they didn't complete the contract, it would be a melee when they went out.

It's not that they don't have the confidence to protect this demon pet egg, but then there will be a lot of trouble. The most important thing is that if they kill more cultivators, they're afraid that the impact will not be very good.

As the voice of Di Beichen fell, Long Yuanwei smiled and nodded immediately, "No problem, I originally arranged it like this."

The next moment, Long Yuanwei with a big wave of his hand, the cultivator who had led Baili Hongzhuang and the others before came in, and took the four of Baili Hongzhuang and walked towards the next room.

After Di Beichen and others left, Yi Zihua looked at Long Yuanwei in surprise.

"Yuanwei, the price you paid this time is a bit too big, right? This is something even I can't understand."

This kind of treatment, even a disciple who performed extremely well in the inner temple may not be able to have it. Long Yuanwei just gave the three newly arrived outer temple disciples.

The news is spread out, let alone disciples in the outer hall, even other people will definitely think Long Yuanwei is crazy.

Hearing, Long Yuanwei chuckled, "I think these four little guys are very interesting, just like when I first met them, they were a little clever, but the integrity in their bones has always existed.

I have already suffered a loss anyway. What does it matter if the loss is bigger now?

This time, I want to bet on my vision, I always think they will surprise me."

Looking at Long Yuanwei's full of interest, Yi Zihua also shook his head with a smile, "I don't understand what you think recently, but you have already decided, I naturally, wouldn't say much."

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