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Chapter 3111: Place a bet, 10,000 Lingshi!

Just when Baili Hongzhuang and Chu Feihu stayed behind closed doors and concentrated on refining Rongbu Dan, the time of this competition continued to ferment.

The enthusiasm of the people was not diminished by Baili Hongzhuang and Chu Feihu's closed doors. On the contrary, many people who feared the world would not be chaotic started a gambling game at this time. Chu Feihu was betting on Chu Feihu. Who will win in this competition with the 18th?

It's just that everyone's opinions are almost to one side. Almost everyone believes that Chu Feihu must win. Therefore, Chu Feihu's odds are unusually low, Baili Hongzhuang's odds of winning It is amazingly high.

Unfortunately, even if Baili Hongzhuang's odds are amazing, no one is willing to bet on Baili Hongzhuang's body.

When the three of Di Beichen learned of the news, they did not hesitate to place a bet on Baili Hongzhuang's body, and this bet was a heavy bet!

Di Beichen noticed that Baili Hongzhuang's odds are one to 20, while Chu Feihu's odds are one to 0.5. Such odds are really quite ironic. People take this as a joke.

Therefore, Di Beichen did not hesitate to directly bet on Baili Hongzhuang to win with 10,000 Lingshi.

When everyone knew that someone had placed such a heavy bet on Baili Hongzhuang's body, they were also shocked. Gambling ten thousand spiritual stones, that is a wealth that no one can ignore, and someone places it here and will undoubtedly lose.

However, with the lead of Di Beichen, some people who wanted to pick up the leaks also squeezed Baili Hongzhuang to win, but the price was very low.

"I don't know who opened the bet. The odds are just mocking Hongzhuang." Shangguan Yingying's face couldn't hide her anger, 20 to 0.5. Doesn't this mean Baili Hongzhuang's strength is only One-fortieth of Chu Feihu? This is despising Baili Hongzhuang!

"Who else can it be?" Wen Ziran patted Shangguan Yingying on the shoulder, soothing her not to be too angry, "Isn't that good? Twenty times the odds, but we can get two hundred thousand spiritual stones, such a good way to get money is usually not so easy to get."

"Who?" Shangguan Yingying raised her brow slightly, and for a while, she didn't understand Wen Ziran's deep meaning.

"If you change to an ordinary cultivator, everyone will believe that Chu Feihu will win. This bet will not be opened at all. There is only one reason why this bet can be opened-Chu Feihu people did it deliberately.

They want to use this method to build momentum, so as to put more pressure on us.

As alchemists and physicians, they all don't need money." Di Beichen slowly explained.

On hearing this, Shangguan Yingying understood, "It turns out that's the same thing! No wonder you crushed so many spirit stones together."

"Their money won't be made for nothing." Di Beichen said with a faint smile.

"I think the situation is getting tenser and tenser. If Hongzhuang can't win this time, we really can't stay in Demon Refining Island. This is troublesome to help guys make trouble."

Shangguan Yingying sighed. As we get closer and closer to the three-day agreement, the heat of this matter is getting higher and higher, and there is no room for maneuvering at this point.

"Don't worry, the higher Chu Feihu's current momentum is, the deeper he digs himself."

Chapter 3112: Make it public!

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