Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    "That's right." Su Zilin suddenly realized, "This temperature and humidity must be the most suitable for storing dry food!"

    Shen Wei got an idea, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the [personal homepage] of the accounting book. I saw that the base map of the homepage was no longer a stick figure of No. 717, but an empty No. 716.

    And the thumbnail in the upper right corner has also opened up a brand new field -

    No. 716 granary, unlocked.

    [Time: September 3rd, 7:49:08 p.m.

    Air temperature: 14c

    Air humidity: 11%]

    Textbook average temperature and humidity.

    Unexpectedly, the opening gift of the accounting book turned out to be a granary the size of a dormitory!

    Probably due to the "cleaning" of the accounting book, there are only four original beds and cabinets left in No. 716 today, which can be used for classification. The three of them hurriedly transferred the rice noodles in the shopping bag, put the noodles on the No. 1 bed, and stuffed the rice in a more airtight cabinet.

    This ignorance of the temperature and humidity of the external environment means that if you want to store dry food of rice, wheat or flour products in the future, you no longer need to consider deterioration or mildew, just go to the dead end!

    If there is no auspicious day to search for dry food, rice and noodles in the safe zone in large quantities, I will be sorry for this heaven-sent granary.

    After finishing the work, return to the dormitory again.

    Opening the ledger, I saw a red dot on [Survival Rank].

    Survival [3] numbers have also been erased.

    [The survival value and ranking are being recalculated for you, please wait]

    The three of them stared at the continuously scrolling numbers on the screen together.     [Based on the scan calculation of the accounting book, the current survival value

    of your dormitory [Tongjiang University of the Arts, No. 717, Zone B, Dexin Building] : 172]

    [Geographic environment: Some changes have occurred.

    Material storage: Barely filled, but still weak.

    Person Status: You have realized the magnitude of the problem.

    Distribution of zombies: close at hand. ]

    [The current national ranking of your dormitory: 17,796 The

    current global ranking of your dormitory: 154,337]

    [The current total number of dormitories participating in the internal test nationwide: 25,107 The

    current total number of dormitories participating in the global internal test: 198,432]

    The short board of food is temporarily filled Let's face it, in the doomsday extreme survival, this can of course greatly solve the root problem of basic survival. Coupled with the achievement reward granary just presented, this has undoubtedly raised a level.

    And in the scoring item of [Personnel Status], because it was the first time that he was really separated from the zombies and retreated, he also gained a lot of points.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now