Chapter 59

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Chapter 59 From Prep to Opening: Art is Explosion

    The handwriting is very scribbled, and there are traces of the pen being wiped away when the pen was still wet. It should be written impromptu in a very hasty situation.


    "Cluck! Clack!!"

    A girl accidentally stepped on the foot of a chicken next to her when she stepped back, and the chicken immediately yelled.

    A wave stirred up thousands of layers of waves, and more than 70 chickens under the eaves of the dormitory flapped their wings in panic and called together, as if they were facing an enemy.

    Combined with the content of the note, there is a feeling that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

    Lu Chaonan simply kicked the big rooster next to him who was thumping the most. It looked up at him, barked twice and shut its mouth.

    "It's gone." Shen Wei said silently, "It's gone, did it disappear, or is it like in the game?"

    Yin He wrinkled his nose and felt cold all over: "Ah"

    This concept is relatively abstract, but the conclusion is obvious. In all games of this type, there must be a period of calm before the big battle, allowing the players to make final preparations and adjustments.

    In other words, whether it is intentional by the app or the natural behavior of the zombies, they are already gathering.

    The content of another note full of words has nothing to do with this abnormal situation at all. The handwriting seems to have been done for a long time, and it should have been written early in the morning, but for some reason, it was not sent out in time.

    The content was probably complaining about why he didn't keep the promise when he left Jingmen Town that day. Because there were some stranded foreign tourists in the hotel area who insisted on leaving the town, making a lot of noise, and the zombies on the historical long street were almost attracted by them. So at that time, I was busy solving the trouble they caused, so I could only ask Gu Gu Gu to let me know.

    So the focus is still on this line.

    Zhu Shan and the others were in the southern homestay area, not too far away from the historical long street in the town where the zombies were most ravaged. Therefore, what they observed should be correct.

    Time was in a hurry, and the information they provided was only a few sentences. When did it disappear, and how did it disappear? Is it true that there is not a single zombie in the entire town? It is not clear at all.

    But at such a point in time, the mind will naturally classify this abnormal situation of collective disappearance as the preparation stage for qualifying.

    Of course, this preparation belongs to the enemy.

    The zombies in the town have gathered in a place that is not noticed by humans out of some kind of action order or regular call.

    The only thing left to make the war imminent is time.

    "But, why?" Shen Wei was speechless, "What should I do now? Go to the watchtower first, or start the Golden Six-Hour Plan immediately?" "Ah? What?"

    Jiang Yun stepped aside, "What is the Golden Six-Hour Plan?" What do you mean?"

    "Well, you'll find out at the member meeting later." She said confidently.

    The surface of the river was blurred, the gray weather blocked most of the vision, and the ancient town on the opposite bank turned into black ink that melted into the water, leaving only an ambiguous outline.

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