Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 Street Fighting 2.0/Second Transaction

    Although the Iron Gate Zombie was restrained by the big anti-theft iron gate that came from nowhere, it made him stronger.

    It seemed that he was going to be attacked when someone broke into the door, and temporarily shifted the target, but his hand was caught in the crack of the door again, so he took the door directly and left.

    Just imagine, the power of a zombie is several times greater than that of a normal human being. It is no problem to hold a door and run wildly. As long as he is willing to wave his hand, he can sweep thousands of troops with the iron door alone.

    He screamed, and was dragged down by the weight to run at the end of the zombie line, but the zombies in front complained and were squeezed aside by its big iron gate.

    "Aim, you must aim!" Yin He got up from the ground just now, and said worriedly, "If you don't aim right, we are all finished!"

    Shen Wei stared intently at the approaching figure of the Iron Gate Zombie, Feeling guilty: "The person standing at the front is me, I don't need you to tell me this, okay!"

    Su Zilin simply stayed on the second floor, constantly attacking the zombies behind with endless air bullets through the window, slowing down their movements speed.

    "Ughhhhhhh!" The zombie waved the iron gate.


    The huge shadow of the iron gate slammed down fiercely.


    There was an unusually silky loud noise.

    The solid anti-theft iron door was facing the tip of the knife, and then, like cutting a cake, the blade was between lightning and flint, and the Tang knife directly cut the iron door in half!

    The power is so light, Shen Wei didn't even take the initiative to swing the knife, but the zombie took the initiative to send it to the door.

    He let out a short strange cry, looked at the hands that were free again, and looked spiritually at the iron gates that fell on both sides.

    Grand, asking is very grand.

    After solving the problem of breaking the defense, the next thing to face is eight ordinary zombies of different shapes.

    Eight zombies were against ten humans, including two elderly people, one of whom dared not swing a machete, so it was barely evenly matched.

    "Bang!" An air bullet hit its chest first.

    The zombies behind had already climbed up from the side of the street where they were crushed, and rushed towards them at a speed of sprinting 100 meters.

    Chen Fangtong swept back from the bottom to the top, and the zombie who rushed to the front was bloody from the chin to the skull, and fell straight backwards.

    "Be careful!" Yin He grabbed the handle of the big umbrella and tried to knock it down in the middle of the street—

    "Boom, boom!" Zombies hit the umbrella one after another and were bounced off.

    But zombies are zombies after all, and it takes an instant to get up from the ground. Head-on confrontation is not without the possibility of winning, but as long as there is a slight mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted.

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