Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Catch the Chicken!

    Xiao Ji shrinks back, "You, what are you going there for?"

    Su Zilin closed the diary and handed it back to him, casually saying, "I'm just curious, I want to see it."

    Who knows, Xiao Ji was surprised when he heard this answer. He laughed softly: "I understand that. After all,     not everyone can see this kind of vision that can only be seen in legends." "?"

    Lu Chaonan frowned, "Did someone praise you just now?"

Knowing the vision that Xiao Ji mentioned, who is more weird than the zombies swaying in the outside world.

    But obviously, he's kind of proud of it.

    "Only those who are destined to see the scene he should see, all depends on fate, even if I lead you there again, it will probably have disappeared by now." Xiao Ji continued, "The most I can do, I think Just write a novel based on this wonderful experience of mine."

    Chen Fangtong said directly: "Aren't you really scared?"

    "Of course not."

    "But you were crying when you came in just now."

    "You I don’t understand, we people in the mountains and fields who are engaged in literature are very emotional.”

    Wu Yan clapped his hands and interrupted the endless sophistry: “Okay, let’s not talk about what you have. Xiaoji, you should not have forgotten What is the task I entrusted to you this trip into the mountain?"

    Xiao Ji was stunned, then looked away.

    "Senior Brother Ji, you won't?" Wu Fugui panicked, "You were so frightened that you ran down the mountain before you even finished the task that Master Mistress entrusted to you?!" Wu Yan stabbed him, "I won't beat you,

    say Say."

    Forced by her undeniable majesty, Xiao Ji had no choice but to murmur:

    "After I came out of that cave, I kept running crazily down the mountain. When I passed the big fragrant fruit tree on the mountainside, I saw that the trap I had set up before was knocked over. When I looked up, a particularly scary picture The devil was facing me. I just wanted to run for my life. I passed out while crawling. After that, I was picked up by you and fell down the mountain." "

    So you didn't even set up the traps?"

    "No, no."

    It was the first time I felt the oppressive feeling of being questioned for not finishing my homework this summer, since I graduated from elementary school.

    Wu Yan was so angry that she laughed, took the bowl of rice porridge in her hand, and pushed the door out:

    "Then let me go into the mountain again in the afternoon!"

    With a bang, the room returned to darkness.

    Only the mountain writer Xiao Ji, who was still trembling with fear, shivered.

    "So, are you going to take us there now?" Yu Li asked again.

    "Go, go..." Xiao Ji had completely languished, "What can I do if I don't go."

    For the team, there are two tasks in the afternoon. One is to explore the so-called werewolf ruins, and the other is Wu Yan's promise to take him to catch chickens.

    The hard-fought hand-made wire cages are not in vain. It was the last deal planned for the trip, bringing poultry back to school that lays eggs and provides meat protein.

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